Our membership is both social and show oriented with activities including dinner cruises, picnics, car shows and road tours. GMC Corvette Set activities, our Corvette Show, Corvette Fest, and the other Shows, Shelby Lions Charity Show and Motor City Corvette Concours (MCCC). Our membership is both social and show oriented with activities including dinner cruises, picnics, car shows and road tours. GMC Corvette Set is a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts in Metro Detroit with varying interests in restoring, showing and promoting Corvettes. We are a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts with varying interests in restoring, showing and promoting Corvettes. These activities bring our members and Corvette enthusiasts together with a common interest of having fun and driving Corvettes.Indian Wood Golf Course has donated a round of golf for a foursome including cart to the 2015 Auction. In its …

Our membership is both social and show oriented with activities including dinner cruises, picnics, car shows and road tours.

GMC CORVETTE SET ENJOYING CORVETTES SINCE 1976 "We joined because of the car. Our membership is both social and show oriented with activities including dinner cruises, picnics, car shows and road tours. Corvette Fest 2014 is now behind us and we, the Members of the GMC Corvette Set, are showing our Corvettes at the many other Corvette Shows in the Area.We are a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts with varying interests in restoring, showing and promoting Corvettes. Watch the Shelby Lion's Web Site for information on their planned Poker Runs. One that’s all new, with just one part carried over from the previous generation.

The C8 Corvette is headed to Europe, set to arrive in the second half of 2021. Posted by Web Master at 10:42 PM No comments: Thursday, January 15, 2015. Take To Meetings, Give To A Friend Corvette Fest Registration Forms. We are a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts with varying interests in restoring, showing and promoting Corvettes.
The Euro-spec Vette will offer a new launch edition model with tons of extras. On Saturday, June 13, 2015, members of the GMC Corvette Set gathered on the grounds of Canterbury Village to raise money for Leader Dogs for the Blind. In August of that year they held their first annual car show with the proceeds benefiting Leader Dogs for the Blind.
Topping the range is a mighty 6.2L V8 with Corvette roots, putting down …

And since it remembers up to 1,000 GPS locations, it works seamlessly within your world. GMC Corvette Set We are a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts with varying interests in restoring, showing … These activities bring our members and Corvette enthusiasts together with a common interest of having fun and driving Corvettes. Board Meetings: The GMC Corvette Set Board meets periodically on the second (2nd) Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

"We joined because of the car.