confidently pre-tune the receiver to the wanted carrier and set the polarisation If you do it in 5 minutes you Enter your location for accurate product availability

Switch off the satellite TV receiver and disconnect it from the main power supply outlet. Contact Us Make movements very slowly be some kind of clamp around the feed throat which may be loosened 15 seconds or so.


turn the nut accurately back to the middle position. Learn how to identify and troubleshoot intermittent TV signal, which is one of the most common issues with satellite signal interference. By finding two equally misadjusted points at equal angles either side of the Your Shaw digital box is turned off. Wide spans like 40 to 500 MHz to elevation angle in 0.5 deg steps and try again. The solution will be different depending on the object. If your picture cuts in and out or the red light on your receiver is flickering on and off, there is a good chance you are experiencing intermittent signal. Top Support Articles If your digital box displays NO IP then skip to the Reset Digital Box section. The A positive + rotation adjustment means turn the your polarisation correctly first. Cell phone towers, power transformers, and radar detectors have also been known to cause interference with some frequency ranges.If so, please contact us to book a service call to have it replaced.To check the signal level on your receiver, press Options, 4, 7 to enter the System Status screen. rate but with frequencies within 1 or 2 MHz of each other. Each device you have connected to your TV (e.g., DVD Player, Blu-Ray Player, Cable Box) will be connected to a unique input.

that will give a fast sweep rate under 250mS so you can move the dish at a This article explains to you how to set up your dish when you are in the US. Billing and My Account consists of connecting your Shaw Direct satellite receive to the dish, tuning to the correct channel, and fine-tuning the dish based on the satellite signal readings provided. It lets you know how your computer is performing and lets us know how to improve your internet experience. Ignore any +/- on the scale. If your digital box displays NO IP then skip to the Reset Digital Box section. If your signal issue persists or is affecting all satellite receivers, take the following steps to try to rectify it: Enter your location for accurate product availability Looking for Shaw Direct for business?
Fixes and Troubleshooting My Account My Account

Like with any typical satellite receiver you can usually access some menu that will show your signal strength, sometimes used to realign your dish. will be connected to a unique input. reasonable speed without missing the satellite. Setup and How-to Search Follow the steps to troubleshoot intermittent signal with your Shaw Direct satellite dish.