Esther and Mikael with baby Klaus. Each had its own dialect and traditions, and unique variations of popular names. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Klaus. See Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items.Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? André Niklaus (born 1981), German decathlete; Stephan Niklaus (born 1958), Swiss decathlete; Mandy Niklaus (born 1956), East German fencer; Fictional characters. Love the spelling, pronunciation and popularity it has.The American Santa Clause comes from the European Sinterklaas which is pronounced with the same sound as Klaus. Middle name. It is not listed in the top 1000. Seems to me like a variation of Cloud I could actually use without feeling weird.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. However, a middle name also provides parents with the opportunity to have a little fun with their child’s name. It just is connected to Santa Clause whether or not some people want it to be.People pronounce Claus incorrectly, in connection with Santa. Not to say this should in any way make Klaus and bad name to use, I love it! "In 1679 he went to... Digital Products on Checkout, all other products filled in 1 business daySubscribe to our Newsletter to receive early discount offers, latest news, sales and promo information.© 2000- 2020 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. Early Origins of the Klaus family. But this is entirely up to you. Mystic Falls, The Middle Ages, 10th Century . They all stem from Saint Nicholas, and since Klaus is a diminutive of Nicholas, Saint Nicholas-Sinterklaas-Santa Clause aren't far off and they are all connected no matter if the pronunciation differs slightly.
Name Klaus Categories. Understand it all by viewing our The process is fairly simple, although there are some fees involved, and you can often have it changed there and then on the spot. Early immigrants include: Some of the first settlers of this family name were: No pressure. Many boys choose to go by their middle names, and some may pass the middle name given to them by their parents on to their own posterity someday. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account.You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Klaus on Nameberry. Niklaus Mikaelson was born to Esther and Ansel in a small village that would eventually become known as Mystic Falls, but was raised by his step-father Mikael, both believing he was his true father.

These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Klaus. Norway: late 14th century ; Strongest Period of Usage. Klaus Genitive: Klausin / Klaun / Klauksen Partitive: Klausia / Klauta / Klausta - Norwegian ; Nominative: Klaus Genitive: Klaus' - Swedish ; Nominative: Klaus Genitive: Klaus' Name Days. If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Klaus, try our Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community.I have literally zero WWII associations with the name Klaus.I adore this name, it has been on top of my list for ages!! Klaus is derived from the medieval given name Klaus, which is a shortened form of the personal name Niklaus or Nicholas.The given name Nicholas, which means people's victory, was popular among Christians throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. If you use Klaus instead, it doesn't look like claws or clause, and to me, the connection matters less, and people will pronounce the name as it should be.I really like this. I don't see the Santa Claus connection since the pronunciation isn't claws. Franz Niklaus König (1765–1832), Swiss painter; Surname. The name Klaus is in the German Names category. However a middle name is selected, it's an integral part of a little man's full name. It just is connected to Santa Clause whether or not some people want it to be.

Many parents will opt for a classic first name and then go with something a little out of the ordinary for their child’s middle name.

In 2008, out of the family of boy names directly linked to Niklaus, Nicholas (English and French) was … By 1838, the British New Zealand Company had begun buying land from the Maori tribes, and selling it to settlers, and, after the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, many British families set out on the arduous six month journey from Britain to Aotearoa to start a new life. Not to say this should in any way make Klaus and bad name to use, I love it! If you don’t like your middle name — or if you were never even given one by your parents — there’s no reason why you can’t pick a new middle name as an adult and have it legally changed. The 20 names on the list below are some of the most popular middle names for boys at present. Niklaus is an unusual baby boy name. paulapuddephatt Says: 2016-11-11T16:29:16. Another 177 words (13 lines of text) covering the years 1755, 1656, 1713, 1656, 1679, 1681 and 1691 are included under the topic Early Klaus History in all our Many cultural groups lived in the German states in medieval times. So what middle names do we love? Emigration to New Zealand followed in the footsteps of the European explorers, such as Captain Cook (1769-70): first came sealers, whalers, missionaries, and traders.