Munich Re's NATHAN (Natural Hazards Assessment Network) Risk Suite optimises your assessment of natural hazard risks. NATHAN (Natural Hazards Assessment Network) speeds up your business processes and enhances both portfolio management and claims management.The new NATHAN release marks a milestone in providing location risk intelligence to enhance risk analysis.Flooding especially poses a growing challenge in risk assessment. Personal data. Nathan provides you with significant updates including River flood and Storm surge.© Copyright 2020 Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.We use cookies on our websites to improve your experience as an internet user, and to optimise our online services.
That gives them quick response times when it counts.”NATHAN allows the viewer to search for hazards and natural catastrophes that have taken place over the last century through a map interface so the exact spatial distribution of these hazards and their intensities can be viewed, and specific cartographic features can be generated to fit whatever view the user needs.ESRI provides mapping and GIS capabilities for Munich Re’s insurance industry NATHAN helps you assess the risks of natural hazards around the world, from the location-based individual risk through to entire risk portfolios. Munich Re will then contact you personally. most significant natural hazards as objectiv ely as possible, Munich Re’ s Geoscience Research Group published its fir st W or ld Map of Natural Hazards in 1978. These evaluations are anonymised. !

Since NATHAN resides on Munich Re’s Web site, these insurance partners can find this information no matter where the partner is located at any time of day. “Risk managers find that NATHAN provides them support for efficient decision making through choosing their inquiry criteria to view what interests them,” says Lee Burton, Insurance Industry Manager, ESRI.
Job title. examine the nature of earthquake risk and the role of insurance in Canada explain the methodology behind, and approach to, developing Hazard Zones We also employ cookies to carry out statistical evaluations of the reach of our websites. Detailed maps are provided for Victoria, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City. NATHAN for Location Risk Intelligence provides underwriters and risk managers with a common baseline for benchmarking and comparative risk assessment for further underwriting action. On the one hand, the data are based on classic natural hazards maps, which Munich Re makes available via its own service called NATHAN. ESRI has announced that Munich Reinsurance Company (Munich Re) is providing an online worldwide database of natural events and catastrophes for use in the insurance industry. Info. Please complete all the fields marked with an asterisk (*). Feb 27, 2015 - World Map of Natural Hazards, from the Munich:Re NATHAN database You can find further information on the cookies we use, and ways to object to the use of cookies for statistical evaluations, in our By confirming and continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies and our ESRI has announced that Munich Reinsurance Company (Munich Re) is providing an online worldwide database of natural events and catastrophes for use in the insurance industry. In this research paper, we: !