0000006393 00000 n 0000109475 00000 n 0000107755 00000 n 0000009685 00000 n In her book, Journey Inward and Journey Outward, Elizabeth O’Connor writes:In addition, we understand communal worship to “hold” the inward journey of all participants in a way we can barely understand. 0000001735 00000 n 0000113787 00000 n

Leadership and Transforming Oneself. AmenLearn more about what Dayspring members and other community activists are doing to protect the sacred land and the local watershed on the The Midcounty Highway Extended project (M83) threatens the pristine forests of Dayspring and the harmony found there, and is not a necessary project. 0000112059 00000 n Let go of spiritual ego/self-centeredness 2. Back to his healing work he went. 0000075250 00000 n I was visiting my close friend and colleague, Kim Gracious God, the eyes of our hearts see the planned M83 Highway through Dayspring as relocated; the integrity of the Dayspring Silent Retreat Center protected; this, or something better, manifested for our community, in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, to the highest good of all concerned. Instead, it is a combination of practices designed to hold one’s center in the midst of conflict and competing demands for our time and attention.

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Accept God’s purpose for our lives 3. Many transportation alternatives exist and could be improved, so important in a time when climate change demands sustainable solutions, not more fossil fuel combustion infrastructure.Sad though we all are not to be able to gather in person, Church of the Saviour communities have adjusted to continue church fellowship. Meditation is the key; in fact the exalted mind states of samådhi as a basis for insight are the very doors to the deathless. 0000078009 00000 n 0000035811 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %����

We take the sacraments seriously and understand core membership to be an ordination, so any core member may serve at the communion table. 0000109045 00000 n Read 6 reviews from the world's largest community for readers.
0000113138 00000 n 0000111845 00000 n 0000114442 00000 n Case in point: Rolf Sovik's Moving Inward: The Journey to Meditation.Once you get past all the woo-woo aspects of what meditation can be and/or what you may experience, the logistics of getting comfortable + spending time sitting in stillness is enough for most people to skip it all together. endstream endobj startxref May the grace of this seeing help to bring your vision to reality. 0000110983 00000 n A small town’s worth of sojourning seekers gathered near the illumined healer. "The Inward Journey" may be oen of his less well-known volumes, but it is one of my favorites. –Rainer Maria Rilke, Book of HoursThank you for your support of the ministries and missions of Church of the Saviour.Kayla McClurg’s Lectionary Reflections (Post Archive) 0000024106 00000 n

0000017232 00000 n 0000114658 00000 n

At Church of the Saviour, the inward journey is not simply a solitary devotional path.

The Journey Inward The Journey Inward is designed to strengthen and solidify the lessons and ideas presented in the Mind Body Stress Reduction Program (MBSR), building on the foundation of the principles of taught in the initial eight week series. In Jesus’ name we pray. 0000024698 00000 n 0000023859 00000 n 0000005347 00000 n

0000112920 00000 n Accept God’s purpose for our lives 3. 0000075330 00000 n 0000002223 00000 n 0000014746 00000 n It was getting on near supper, and being far from their villages, his students wanted to send everyone home. 0000112490 00000 n 0000002078 00000 n The journey of leadership begins on Our ability to mature as leaders is rooted in our ability to grow as persons. 0000108614 00000 n

0000107541 00000 n The inward journey of leadership, while personal and private, is not a mysterious, unintelligible journey. Though written for the new believer, it speaks with a depth and newness that will arrest even the most mature believer. That report is prayed over and returned at the mission group’s weekly meeting with one or two questions which might guide each individual’s spiritual growth.We also expect people to go on silent retreat at Dayspring or other locations, where they can step away from the incessant demands of our culture and listen more deeply to the still small voice of God. 0000108829 00000 n 0000107110 00000 n

0000108398 00000 n 0000114224 00000 n 0000109906 00000 n 0000019920 00000 n Be willing to commit to whatever it takes Crisis of transition: Must find peace by giving up the search for self, allow

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