The archangel dressed as a priest has, however, been transformed into a soldier. Although it was one of Memling's first creations in Bruges, it already displays impressive mastery. HE PROPERS for Advent provide us with ample opportunity for contemplating the Last Judgment.. Hans Memling, a leading painter of the Northern Renaissance, painted a spectacular representation of the Last Judgment in 1467. )Gwyneth Holston is a sacred artist who works to provide and promote good quality Catholic art. Angels flit overhead in the central panel carrying the instruments of Christ’s passion. The Last Judgment by Memling is one of the artist’s most-well known. Her website is A perfectly symmetrical, semi-circular line of bodies runs through the continuous space of all three panels, with the calm upward movement of the Reception of the Righteous into Heaven balanced by the turbulent Casting of the Damned into Hell on the opposite side.
(Please click on the images to view them larger. Some end up in Hell (on the right), others are welcomed to heaven by St. Peter.
“What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too…” Pope Benedict XVI (7 July 2007)Hans Memling, a leading painter of the Northern Renaissance, painted a spectacular representation of the Last Judgment in 1467.
The painting was taken to Danzig (Gdansk), where it was to remain. May God continue to bless all you do to promote sacred music for the Mass and for the glory of God!”(#2) “I am a newly ordained priest. And that hymn I asked you about (Southwell/Allen) was Q(#1) “Thank you for all the great work you do to provide music and rehearsal videos for all of us to use! The Christ figure is as good as a copy - a remarkable and unique occurrence in Memling's oeuvre. If we throw in the strongly Rogierian style of the apostles' heads, it is almost impossible not to conclude that Memling saw the Beaune altarpiece with his own eyes. What an achievement this book is! The painting was completed before the birth of the couple's first daughter in 1471, and was dispatched to Porto Pisano via Southampton in 1473. The work was commissioned by Angelo Tani (1415-1492), the Florentine manager of the Medici bank in Bruges, for the altar of his newly founded chapel in the church of the Badia Fiesolana in Florence. The central, monumental figures remain Christ and St Michael with the scales, and the bank of cloud is also paraphrased. Memling's triptych preserves several traditions of religious art which were used earlier in the century by his teacher Roger van der Weyden in the latter's Last Judgment (1446-52, Musee de l'Hotel Dieu, Beaune) also known as the Beaune Altarpiece. Jesus descends from heaven to administer justice.
A triptych displaying the entrance into Heaven, judgment by Christ, and descent into Hell respectively from left to right, this piece affixes the Biblical narrative into one - a … God bless your ministry.”(#4) “Thank you for bringing beautiful Sacred Music to all of us!”“Always remember: God opposes the proud.” (leaning into the microphone) “…even when they’re right!”Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to exploring and embodying as our calling the relationship of religion, culture, and the arts. The League was engaged at the time in a boycott of trade with England, the interim destination of the vessel carrying the altarpiece.