Do you see a need for a collective noun meaning "all the clouds"?A billow of clouds (from billowing) seems quite apt.A cuddle of clouds.. (And perhaps even then. That's the sort of question that invites fanciful answers!
One possible collective term is a "scud" of clouds - meaning fast-moving, loose, vapoury clouds. It has been requested that this appendix be merged with Appendix:English … When googled, one does come across one or two references on the usage "billow". That one also jumped out at me.Sorry, I downvoted because "souffle of clouds,""pageant of clouds," "fuck of clouds," "cumulonimbus of clouds" all sound ridiculous to me. Yes, "contrived" is the word - unless you're writing poetry. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including
A collective noun for "clouds" would consist of one word or perhaps a compound word as "the cloud-cover" or "the cloud-covering" - don't know whether these words are in the dictionary.
But billow does seem like a very good poetic term.Welcome to EL&U. An accumulation of clouds?In collective nouns, there are some that are of practical use, such as squadron, platoon, company, etc. You could invent a word, perhaps "the clouding".
I don't think that there is a collective word for clouds.
Can you provide a citation or example of Why is this answer down-voted? Alternatively a "squadron" of clouds could indicate an offensive storm front swooping aggressively (militaristic tones).Finally! Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. English Language & Usage Meta
However, it seems difficult, as is with the other choices, to find more solid references to the proper collective noun. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us
Collective Nouns for Animals, Mammals, Amphibians & Fishes. And as far as I can tell, the sources don't convincingly indicate that any significant number of people use these phrases.Welcome to EL&U. Featured on Meta
It does sound nice, but I think the OP wanted something 'official'. Synonyms for clouds include blue, sky, heavens, high, firmament, welkin, stratosphere, ether, heaven and wide blue yonder. There is no actual collective noun for a group of clouds, although some poets have referred to a 'billow' of clouds. It's whimsical but it gets the job done. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top
Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning, and tornadoes. Detailed answers to any questions you might have