Now that your report is created, let’s visualize it using a dashboard component. Different components can have different source reports.
Hello, I am trying to set up a dynamic dashboard, and have made all reports "my XYZ" instead of total leads accts ops etc- I have also moved the dashboard into a public folder, however the only viewing options I have are view as me, someone else (where you can enter an individual) I have been reading forms and know it is possible but I don't have the option to add dynamic … She’d also have to create multiple folders to manage access rights.With dynamic dashboards, Maria can create just two dashboards and store them in a single folder. Salesforce dashboards present multiple reports side-by-side using dashboard components on a single dashboard page layout. Salesforce dashboards present multiple reports side-by-side using dashboard components on a single dashboard page layout. Let's look at an example over at Ursa Major Solar. The best part? However, in Lightning Experience, automated dashboard refreshes are not available at all. In this scenario, Maria typically would have to create 45 different dashboards—one for every single First, we’ll create the source report we use in the dashboard. can see the chart and the report results in one view.Dynamic Dashboards: Choose Who People View a Dashboard As However, salesforce dynamic dashboards do present some limitations. Sales reps see their own bookings and activities. In Salesforce Classic, dashboards can be scheduled to automatically refresh its data. Each source report provides data for your components. You’ll hear again and again how customizable Salesforce is and that’s because it’s true!Choosing data sources and create the perfect calculation and formatting to display the data you want. With the “View My Team’s Dashboards” user permission, the user views the dashboard as themselves or as anyone beneath them in the role hierarchy. With dynamic dashboards Salesforce transforms views from user to user. Specifically, this is what we call dynamic dashboards. Salesforce dynamic dashboards don’t support the ability to follow components (following components can only be done in Salesforce Classic at this time). Dashboard components come in various chart types, tables, metrics, and gauges, and you can customize how data is grouped, summarized, In fact, by performing the following actions you can also easily change a standard dashboard to a dynamic dashboard. If you don’t want to create a dashboard, but just want to add a chart to your report, then report charts may be right for you. Depending on the size of your company and salesforce instance, this can be easy to… Be careful not to reveal sensitive information to too broad an audience.Selecting “Me” shows the viewers the dashboard as you would see it, permissions withstanding.Selecting “Another person” users view the dashboard as whomever you choose. With dynamic dashboards, each user sees the data they have access to without needing to create separate dashboards for each user. However, each component only has one source. Dynamic dashboard is great to enable each user to see the data they only have access to or their team have access to, without the need to create separate dashboards using a fix user "viewing as". To create a dynamic dashboard, there are two steps - controlling access to the dashboard and controlling access to the data.To control access to the data within the dashboard itself, we need to change the settings within the dashboard to run as the logged-in user so that the user logged-in will view the dashboard according to their own security settings.
They can show how you have performed in the past and what’s happening at the moment - two keys to any business that wants to be successful.Since we already know how to create a standard dashboard, creating a dynamic dashboard will only involve a few extra steps. Say that the sales team consists of one vice president, four sales managers, and 40 sales reps—ten reps per manager.
You just built a simple report and dashboard for visualizing leads by source. for managers and the VP, you can use the same dynamic dashboard for both roles. Let’s get started!To better utilize Salesforce dashboards, it’s of key importance to understand the Lightning Report Builder.