Jon was formally educated by Maester Luwin and was trained in combat by Ser Rodrik Cassel, excelling at swordsmanship. After luring Jon's army forwards, Ramsay executes his own pincer movement with his infantry, completely encircling the Stark/Wildling army. In the meantime, Melisandre tells Jon of visions she has had concerning "Jon, loyal to his oaths, states that he has no sister and cannot help her, although he is anxious to. His cries summon Davos, Edd and a handful of other black brothers who quickly move Jon's body to his quarters. Ygritte starts disrobing, and says that she wants to make sure Jon has truly come over to the wildlings' side and broken his Night's Watch vows - by making him break his oath of celibacy with her.
After hearing last words from each (with the exception of Olly), Jon once again acts in accordance with his father's law that "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" and personally cuts the trapdoor rope, hanging them simultaneously. Mance's plan is for Tormund's small band to distract Castle Black by attacking their exposed southern side, at which point Mance's main army will assault it from the north. Pained, Jon looks at Bran, who says that it's his choice to tell them.
Jon apologizes and asks if "my Queen" would be more appropriate, agreeing to bend the knee. When Daenerys confides she was made infertile by Later, as the two of them ride a ship to White Harbor, Jon enters Daenerys's cabin where the two of them begin to consummate their relationship, still unaware that they are aunt and nephew. Understandably, Eddard never told anyone, including Catelyn or Jon himself, who his mother was or even if she was still alive. Davos also mentions that Jon came back from the dead. Alliser decides to go down and defend the keep, leaving Slynt in charge of the Wall's defenses.
While he initially finds it difficult, he soon gets used to it and flies alongside Daenerys.
She tells him that she knows that he is a virgin. Catelyn never mistreated Jon, but she was cold towards him and avoided him whenever possible, viewing him only as a living reminder of the one time that Eddard had dishonored her.Due to his bastard status, Jon grew up feeling like an outsider at Winterfell. She loved him and ran off with him, and bore him a son, Aegon Targaryen, making "Jon" not only legitimate but the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.Jon returns to Winterfell with the Targaryen forces.Upon arrival in the North, Jon and Daenerys, along with their combined forces, march through Later, Jon meets up with Sansa, who is angry that Jon bent the knee to Daenerys.
It is also implied she was not as passionate about her betrothal as Robert was: Lyanna knew about Robert's philandering ways and felt that his love for her wouldn't stop him from sleeping with other women.
While Sansa suspects it might be a trap, Jon doesn't think so due to Tyrion ending the letter with the line "Later Jon receives a raven from Sam informing him of his discovery of dragonglass on Dragonstone. Remembering how the Lannisters had already brutally murdered Rhaegar's Robert visits Lyanna's tomb under Winterfell almost immediately after arriving. To protect his land and family, in just a few years he has risen up from being a bastard to becoming the King in the North, a prominent figure among the Free Folks. Mance brings Jon to one of his scouts, Jon learns a warg is a person who is capable of entering the mind of an animal, seeing what it sees and even controlling its actions. Meanwhile, back at Winterfell, Sam and Gilly arrive. On the night her Many years later, Ned still recalls how he found his sister, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Stannis shows him a letter delivered by Jon is elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, fulfilling Jeor's wish.After hearing from Jon that he intends to refuse Stannis's offer and stay true to his vows, Sam nominates Jon as the third candidate and recounts how he took command of the defense of Castle Black (including the fact that Thorne fought bravely and Slynt was cowering in the pantry with Gilly) and was willing to sacrifice himself to stop Mance. Later, the leaders of the mutiny are rounded up for execution. Jon is worried for Bran and once he realizes that he could be at Craster's Keep, Locke comes in to tell him that Thorne has summoned him. People tend not to notice, because in the cold temperatures at the Wall and beyond, Jon and other members of the Night's Watch usually wear heavy gloves over both hands. WARNING! Nor did Catelyn have to pressure Jon into joining: he went to the Wall of his own volition, albeit because he had been raised on legends of the former glories of the Night's Watch.