Vous pouvez télécharger la demande d’inscription ci-dessous.Inscriptions – classes supérieures et classes de la formation professionnelleLes journées d’inscription auront lieu  le 20, 21 et 22 juillet 2020 de 8h00 – 12h00 et de 13h00 – 17h00. The diploma issued after successful completion of this exam is accredited in every EU member state as well as in many other countries.In Luxembourg the Baccalaureate graduates benefit from the same rights and advantages as bearers of the Luxembourgish ’diplôme de fin d’études secondaires’ (diploma issued after successful completion of the official Luxembourgish seven-year secondary school cycle).They can enrole at any European university or higher education institution with the same rights as Luxembourgish students in possession of a similar diploma.The exams are about the subjects taught in years Secondary VI and Secondary VII.For 2018/2019, our school will provide a German- and an English-speaking section.Our school offer consists of a 5-year-cycle of European Primary school education.

High School. Pièces à produire pour un dossier complet:une copie des 3 bulletins de la dernière classe fréquentée, l’original de la fiche de départ (à retirer auprès de la direction du lycée actuellement fréquenté).Veuillez s.v.p. Finanzieller Beitrag gemäß dem System "chèque service accueil". 1,562 people like this. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Pièces à produire pour un dossier complet:copies des 3 bulletins de la dernière classe fréquentée, copie de la décision de promotion (seulement pour les classes de 4e), un certificat d’affiliation des élèves âgés de plus que 18 ans et n’habitent plus chez leurs parents (https://www.ccss.lu/certificats/assures/certificat-daffiliation )Veuillez s.v.p.

International sections are open to all, as it is a public school… Lënster Lycée International School – c/o Secrétariat des élèves – 2, rue Victor Ferrant – L-6122 Junglinster. "La nouvelle identité graphique assure l’indispensable reconnaissance du lien entre tous les acteurs de notre communauté scolaire et démontre à la fois une volonté de simplification, de modernisation, d’harmonisation et de cohérence pour notre établissement." Groups Directory Results for International School Junglinster -Primary- Parents Group – International Scout Diesel, Buy, Sell, Trade and Tech. Vous pouvez télécharger la demande d’inscription ci-dessous. Students who are six years old as of 1 September, 2018 can enroll in Primary 1 (P1). Unlike the other European schools currently based in Luxembourg, the international department is open to all students, without any registration fees.We offer primary classes (from age 6 to 11) as well as secondary classes (from age 12) in German- and English-speaking sections. From the 2018/2019 school year, the Lycée Lenster in Junglinster, a Luxembourgish educational institution, will open two German and English-speaking European sections for pupils in primary schools (6 years old).