If you think the surname Land has another country of origin besides the ones listed here, then E-Mail or phone us (615-696-0202) and we will do a quick search to see if we can find it.

Cancel any time, no strings attached. Sometimes there is more than one family crest recorded for a one name. Land Coat of Arms / Land Family Crest The surname of LAND was a locational name 'the dweller at the launde' from residence beside an open wood.

The Tree Maker ask that you please read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before ordering.It covers a number of subjects in detail. The derivation is from the pre-7th century word "land", meaning territory. We use cookies to enhance your personalized experience for ads, analytics, and more. Early Origins of the land family This web page shows only a small excerpt of our land research. It could be topographical, for someone who lived in the country, from the pre-seventh-century word land, meaning territory; from the Old French word launde, indicating one who lived by a forest glade; or locational from Launde, a village in Leicestershire recorded as Landa in 1163. We can use both the Land coat of arms and surname history on most of our products shown below.. Some of the first settlers of this family name were:

We do have the Land coat of arms / family crest along with the surname history from the above countries.

The name is also spelt LAWN, LANDT, Van den LAND, LANDH, LANDELL, LE LAND and LANDBERG, to name but a few. The surname land was first found in Switzerland, where this family name became a prominent contributor to the development of the district from ancient times.Chronicles suggest that the name did not always mean "von dem Land," that is "from the country-side," but, could also be either the mediaeval form of "Latte" (a crossbar) or refer to a boat landing. The name land arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Firstly the name Land is topographical for someone who lived in the country, as opposed to a town, or on an estate. The English surname Land, also found in Ireland, has two distinct origins. Land genealogy includes Edwin H. Land, inventor of the self-developing Polaroid camera, and Greg Land, an American comic book artist.Start your free trial today to learn more about your ancestors using our powerful and intuitive search. Land Family Crest or Land Coat of Arms This Family Crest for Land was found in Burke's General Armory.

Aug 11, 2018 - Explore theloyaltexan's board "Coat of arms/family crests" on Pinterest. Toyotomi Family Crest Japanese family crest, Toyotomi family crest, Kirimon (history-land.com) Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a preeminent daimyo, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Civil War era who is regarded as Japan’s second ‘great unifier’. Early settlers of this family name include George and Sarah Land who settled in Boston in 1635. Understand it all by viewing our