For the same reason every man just handsels his calling, nor does more than but attest his usual work.”[171] Next I asked, “Why, Janus, while I propitiate other divinities, do I bring incense and wine first of all to thee?” Quoth he, “It is that through me, who guard the thresholds, you may have access to whatever gods you please.” “But why are glad words spoken on thy Kalends? Phoebus and the year take their start from the same point.”[165] Next I wondered why the first day was not exempt from lawsuits. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1931.A revised version of this volume is currently in print and available new from (click on image right for details). I plucked up courage, thanked the god composedly, and with eyes turned to the ground I spoke in few: “Come, say, why doth the new year begin in the cold season? But the lovely are disdainful, and pride on beauty waits: she flouted him and cast at him a scornful look. [655] After the setting of that constellation (the Lyre), the fire that glitters in the middle of the Lion’s breast will be sunk below the horizon at nightfall.

“Hear the cause,” quoth Janus.

Diese Website wurde mit PHPKIT WCMS erstellt PHPKIT ist eine eingetragene Marke der mxbyte GbR © 2002-2012 And while the day of the feast may shift, the season is fixed: it is when the seed has been shown and field fertilized.” Ye steers, take your stand with garlands on your heads at the full crib: with the warm spring your toil will return.

The first to joy in blood of greedy sow was Ceres, who avenged her crops by the just slaughter of the guilty beast; for she learned that in early spring the grain, milky with sweet juices, had been rooted up by the snout of bristly swine. The ancients called me Chaos,[145] Thus spake the god, and by a look promised that, were I fain to ask him more, he would not grudge reply. [361] But the ox and you, ye peaceful sheep, what was your sing? May the fields be free from darnel, that spoils the eyes,[705] On the sixth day before the coming Kalends a temple was dedicated to Leda’s divine sons[709] The course of my song hath led me to the altar of Peace. The altar was content to smoke with savine, and the laurel burned with crackling loud. Nor did Evander’s mother hide the truth that the time was at hand when earth would have done with its hero Hercules. James George Frazer: Ovid’s Fasti. Fasti. Too true, indeed, the mother proved when, banished with her, the youth forsook Arcaida and the god of his Parrhasian[497] Cheered by his parent’s words, Evander cleft in his ship the billows and made the Hesperian land. BOOK 5. March. Ovid, Fasti Search for documents in Search only in Ovid, Fasti. Ovid is believed to have left the Fasti incomplete when he was exiled to Tomis by the emperor Augustus in 8 AD. [415] But crimson Priapus, glory and guard of gardens, lost his heart to Lotis, singled out of the whole bevy. Let the parish keep festival; purify the parish, ye husbandmen, and offer the yearly cakes on the parish hearths. Watching a he-goat nibbling at a vine somebody vented his ill-humour in these words: “Pray gnaw the vine, thou he-goat; yet when thou standest at the altar, the vine will yield something that can be sprinkled on thy horns.” The words came true. He, holding in his right hand his staff and in his left the key, to me these accents uttered from his front mouth: “Dismiss thy fear, thy answer take, laborious singer of the days, and mark my words. 253) (English and Latin Edition) [Ovid, Goold, G. P., Frazer, James G.] on [475] She had foretold that troubles were at hand for her son and for herself, and much beside she had forecast, which time proved true. Cardinal Farnese assigned the scholars to watch the diggings. Ovid: Fasti (Loeb Classical Library No.

The sow suffered for her crime, and the she-goat suffered, too, for hers. Works by Ovid; English translation only. The author of the hubbub paid for it with his life, and he is now the victim dear to the Hellespontine god. As yet no foreign ship. [317] Add four successive days to the Nones, and on the Agonal morn Janus must be appeased. Etymology. Peace reigned, and on the Rhine already, Germanicus, they triumph had been won, when the river yielded up her waters to thy slaves.