Commercial feeds are very healthy and effective for the fish and it provide the highest growth. Once hatched, fry are then collected and moved to grow out ponds. But the the mother Tilapia protects it’s fries from danger by keeping them inside it’s mouth. The genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) enhanced market potential as it is scientifically proved to be superior to freshwater carps and would be an ideal fish culture in Asian countries. Now I just wanna know which one is the suitable feed for tilapia.plz help.You can feed them ready made fish feed or apply natural fertilizers for growing natural feeds. Thank you!Hello, I am in Whitefield Bangalore. Tilapia Fish Farming. You can expect 85-90 percent survival rate, and stock depending on this ratio. Thank you!1*Does govt gives permission to raise Nile tilapia(only male) in India?1. This is very informative. The males will typically dig nests and defend their nest. The water is recirculated in a closed system minimizing the consumption resources. Before keeping the minnow to the pond you have to be sure about the condition of the pond. The female tilapia can produce minnow for numerous times in a year. Almost all types of people like tilapia recipes like baked tilapia to eat and there are no man who does not like tilapia. Unlike other fish, tilapia tend to be hardier against poor water quality. Most farmers choose to keep only male tilapia in the grow out stage. For best hatchery practice it is sensible to stock one male to three females. Based on the market demand fish farmers can sell the live fish to market or can be frozen and export to international markets.There many schemes available in Asian countries where small fish farmers can avail the subsidies on seed and feed, equipment of fish farming.Tilapia fish farming is an excellent business and one can get decent profits provided there are proper fish farming practices are in place.Thank you for posting this. Shrimp industry veteran Dr Bill McGraw has overcome numerous challenges to establish a unique organic shrimp and tilapia production facility in Panama. And fish farmers around the world are already raising tilapia commercially.

We can discuss good price and terms of delivery.Hi Natalie, please mail your products and details toYou can consider carp fishes like Rui, Katla, Mrigal etc. Reddy was born in farmer's family and was into 'IT' profession where he was not happy with his activities. I am from Bhubaneswar.You can stock all the fish mentioned above together.

You can select the right one for your set up based on the way they look or the way they behave.Following are the species of tilapia you can include in your aquaponics system if situations allow:The blue tilapia is, unsurprisingly, blue. Right now we are working on preparing a full project report about this business. For breeding purpose the brood-stocks can be placed in a small sized tank and after that transfer the fry to a larger tank or pond for further farming.