But its still behind that of Aegon and Jon. Tuttavia, non sono in pochi a sospettare che, in verità, ella sia stata fatta uccidere da Lord Infilzata da una picca nel fossato prosciugato del

They would have had no big problems supporting female claimants so either Baela or Rhaena Targaryen could have served as such figureheads (especially Rhaena considering she had her own dragon Morning by that time and most likely wasn't in enemy hands like her sister). That in itself is a clue that Aegon III had nothing to do with the death of the dragons. What he should have done is to name Jaehaera as heir (just as Rhaenyra was named heir) and made her Queen of Westeros. I guess the latter would then be a very likely possibility, and if they know for a certainty that Jon Snow can't conceive Jon might end up being the guy with multiple wives - first Daenerys to reunite the Targaryen branches and then Arya to continue the royal line. As they are both descent from Rheagar the eldest male.

Plus, part of the reason the Greens formed is because they couldn't stand the 
Not to mention that making a new switch to the Blacks after having joined the Greens could well have erased all respect there was for him; it would have just looked like he was switching from side to side.

Aspetto e Carattere Unfortunately we don't know any details there but it is entirely possible that some people aside from Aegon II had to be killed at that point. Morning hatched during the Dance, so it would have been there at that time. He was only one lord of many and killing aegon younger would end line of rhaenyra, and therefore making starks and arryns unable to still fight as there would be no claimant left. And they didn't just go home after she died and continued to march even while they could not be sure that Aegon the Younger still lived. On the royal level primogeniture is only a strong legal principle if you talk about a son following a father. Ran has made some comments that the regents later discussed the succession in case Aegon III should die without issue (before the return of Prince Viserys) but we don't know what the result was.

The compromise idea is hypothetical, of course. If Corlys plan was to save Aegon and destroy the line of king, then Corlys was twice a fool. Nothing came of that, of course, because Jaehaerys I rose to the throne after Maegor's death. After witnessing the horrific death of his mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen, late in the war, Aegon had become a quite sullen, melancholic boy who spent days alone brooding. I'm just saying that Aegon III's claim could be seen as somewhat valid as Aegon II's heir as well as Rhaenyra's (though considering what actually happened after Aegon II's death, I think the Greens just decided to support Aegon III as the last male Targaryen, nobody truly "won".) I agree however that with the dragons dead, the Targaryens had to change their way of ruling Westeros, although they seem to have been fairly successful at doing that precise change since they held the Iron Throne for about the same ammount of time if not longer without dragons as with dragons. Para otros artículos con el mismo nombre, visita la página de desambiguación. Even though Rhaenys was still alive, and not a contender, so it implies that women can't inherit, but a man can inherit through a line of a woman? No, we are aware that Aegon II and Alicent didn't see Prince Aegon as Aegon II's firsthand heir and that Alicent didn't like the marriage between Aegon and Jaehaera. So under Salic law, Aegons' brothers and their male children would come first, but they were dead and childless at that point, so then his uncle, Daemon, who was dead, and then the male children of Daemon - his oldest son being Aegon III. But of course then the line of succession would have been much more muddled, unless Viserys could be found sooner. Hence the start of the hundred yr war.Henry V held the french crown by right of conquest not inheritance.
I doubt that this is the case because nobody in KL right now looks to Stannis or Shireen as Tommen and Myrcella's legal heirs. He wanted to create a peace, not continue the war or kill pointlessly. These lords mainly supported Aegon because of the precedent set by 2 grand councils that supported the male claimants. Not to mention, Aegon III was the heir of both Rhaenyra under equal primogeniture and Aegon II's heir under Salic law, since he was Daemon's son. I mean, yes, Aegon III was definitely seen as Rhaenyra's son before Aegon II's cousin by everyone, and Black supporters would see Daemon as only King-Consort, and Aegon III as Rhaenyra's legitimate heir. And I just meant that logistically, I don't think the Greens would see Jaehaera as Aegon's heir, what with being so concerned about a woman ruling, and Aegon III, a male who already had half the realm supporting him as the legitimate king. Edward III had a claim to the French throne thru his mother the eldest child of Philip the Fair. Whether Laenor's descent through the female line was actually a main reason to dismiss his claim is unclear.