Mature alligators, which can weigh up to 500 pounds, are capable of easily killing mature turtles. Raccoons are drawn to beaches by human trash and find turtle nests to be an easy meal. Some species may seek out the bird eggs, and others will just eat them if they happen across their path.Raccoons are omnivorous. Dogs and dingos will dig up turtle nests to eat both the eggs and the baby turtles. A raccoon can climb very well and will not only eat a robin egg, but young nestlings as well. A raccoon will hold the egg with his paws and crack it open with his teeth. Keep your eyes open and check the evidence carefully – it’s not just the usual suspects that steal birds’ eggs …

Some mature frogs attempt to eat small freshwater turtles in the absence of more suitable prey. She cares for wildlife native to Kentucky. Also, humans prey on baby sea turtles by consuming sea turtle eggs. By entering your details, you are agreeing to Discover Wildlife If it didn’t, it is often possible to identify the thief from the signs left behind. A raccoon will hold the egg with his paws and crack it open with his teeth. In her spare time, Estes also lectures and volunteers for various nonprofit organizations involved in animal care and adoption. A raccoon will also clean a robin nest of all the eggs if the opportunity is there. Many other species of snakes will feed on robin eggs. Already have an account with us? Most eggshells you find will have been thrown from nests after the chicks hatched or are the remains of ground-nesting birds’ eggs that hatched normally. They will eat fruits, vegetables and meats. Squirrels don’t normally care what type of an egg it is, and whether robin or sparrow, they will happily make a meal of any eggs from a songbird nest.The crow and blue jay are only two of the flying predators that will ransack a robin nest for eggs. These are very smart and opportunistic birds. A raccoon will also clean a robin nest of all the eggs if the opportunity is there.Loren Estes became a licensed wildlife rehabilitation professional for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife in 1998. Crows and blue jays will eat both the eggs of the robin as well as the young, but a robin will nest and lay eggs more than once during a season. Our best wishes for a productive day. Birds’ eggs are a nutritious source of food, so it’s hardly surprising that lots of animals eat them. One of the first signs of spring are orange-breasted robins decorating yards and parks searching out bits of grass and twigs to make their nests. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences These furry rodents don’t usually seek out a robin nest, but if they happen across one, they know exactly how to break an egg open and eat the contents. The Nile monitor eats turtle eggs and hatchlings, while crocodiles and alligators eat adult turtles. These birds belong to the family of corvids. These intelligent mammals love eggs. Animals Frog eggs and tadpoles are frequently eaten by leeches and large marine insects. They will eat fruits, vegetables and meats. They just swallow it whole. These intelligent mammals love eggs. Sign up to receive our newsletter! Rat snakes are another species of snake that will clean out a robin nest for a meal.

It’s probably somewhat closeminded that in America that the term “eggs” refers to chicken eggs about 99.99 percent of the time.

Parents must watch their eggs at all times, but even then they are no match for the marauders that eat them.The eastern gray, fox, flying and red are all species of squirrels who will raid a robin’s nest to take the eggs. You can learn a lot from broken bird eggs, including whether they hatched naturally or were predated.Birds’ eggs are a nutritious source of food, so it’s hardly surprising that lots of animals eat them.In summer, egg remains are common, so if you find one, first check if it hatched normally. The common egg-eater is one species of snake that feeds only on bird eggs, and the robin egg is no exception.