111 legislators voted for, and 29 against.In July 2002, the Supreme Court dismissed Pinochet's indictment in the various human rights abuse cases, for medical reasons (vascular Pinochet resigned from his senatorial seat shortly after the Supreme Court's July 2002 ruling. Reforms such as the privatisation of the pension system became highly influential around the world, growth became steady and Chile became a byword for economic success - though the gap between rich and poor widened to give the country the worst income distribution in the region after Brazil.In 1980, the shortlived boom that preceded the crash was exploited to help deliver victory in a plebiscite approving a new constitution. US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "U.S. His subsequent career was steady but routine, distinguished mostly for his expertise in "geopolitics", the subject he taught at the country's War Academy.
"Pinochet died a few days later, on 10 December 2006, without having been convicted of any of the crimes of which he was accused. What is not in doubt is that three days before the coup, he was given an ultimatum by the commanders-in-chief of the navy and air force to join them or suffer the consequences.On the day itself, there was little doubt Pinochet was in charge. Amateur recordings of radio transmissions between the golpista command posts that day reveal the Pinochet the world would come to know. In the mid-1980s he would use the same skill with success against the re-emerging opposition.Especially shocking was the level of repression in a country with a longstanding parliamentary tradition and a hitherto mild record of military involvement in politics by regional standards. For one of these - multiple murders, torture and disappearance in a notorious secret detention centre in Santiago known as Villa Grimaldi - he was placed under house arrest. If the "YES" won, Pinochet would have to implement the dispositions of the 1980 Constitution, mainly the call for general elections, while he would himself remain in power as president. Officially he became the visionary who, guided by "the mysterious hand of God", had made Chile "the only country in history to have broken free from the yoke of communism". When post-communist Russian television began an interview with him in 1994 by apologising for Soviet media coverage of his regime, there could have been no clearer example of the turning of the world-historical tide - unless it was the flood of his former ministers and technocrats invited to ex-Soviet-bloc countries to explain the marvels of untrammelled capitalism in Chile.All this was no mean feat for the apparently unremarkable son of a customs official, born in the Pacific port of Valparaiso. At the time, Allende was a young doctor and Socialist senator who came to visit the prisoners. A mixture of repression and partial reforms headed off the protest movement, but by then the opposition was a visible and growing presence, including a small armed left which, in the shape of the communist-led Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front, narrowly missed assassinating the General in September 1986.Two years later, against all the regime's calculations, Pinochet was defeated by 56 to 43 per cent in the plebiscite to ratify him in power. New York. Obituary: Captain-general Augusto Pinochet, who has died aged 91, was the most notorious of Latin America's 20th-century military rulers. Even less did he consider the possibility of trouble abroad.In October 1998, nine months after he stepped down as commander-in-chief to take the lifelong senate seat guaranteed to him in his constitution, he almost over-reached himself. But the sabre-rattling died away, and Pinochet earned grudging tributes from the government for allowing the transition to go ahead relatively smoothly. Another reason for Pinochet's decision to call for elections was the April 1987 visit of Political advertising was legalized on 5 September 1987, as a necessary element for the campaign for the "NO" to the referendum, which countered the official campaign, which presaged a return to a Popular Unity government in case of a defeat of Pinochet. Sends Back Pinochet Daughter," CNN, 28 January 2006"Clashes Break out after Pinochet's death", Yahoo!News, 11 December 2006 A ruthless secret police watched the regime as much as the opposition.In the regime a strict ideology reigned, based in personal loyalty to Pinochet, anti-communist dogma of "national security", and the extreme neoliberal economic doctrine imported by a generation of technocrats known as the "Chicago Boys", after the university where some had received their training. In March 1990, in a ceremony in the new Congress building built by Pinochet in his home town of Valparaiso - 80 miles from the capital, Santiago, and intended to remain well out of mind of the real centres of power - a sombre Pinochet handed the presidential sash over to Aylwin.Danger signals sounded twice in the ensuing months, as troops were put on alert in protest against court citations of officers on human rights charges and a Congressional investigation of the army's purchase of a bankrupt arms company from one of Pinochet's sons.
"Chile: A Country Study".