Keep on doing this. It shows the orders of battle for the French Army and its various allied contingents. I should also like to add that the French fought valiantly during this campaign. A map of the area around the battle positions Battle of Bautzen summary. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. His battle line was smaller, so easier to defend and he was able to exploit gaps and weakness in the much longer allied line.

The 4-1 ratio of losses after the battle was impressive.

Battle of Dresden 1813: map, order of battle. URBAN ART MAP; LINKS; Startseite Hier geht es zum kompletten Bilder-Archiv.

The French under strength in cavalry was also exposed since the Emperor could have used it to even better effect to exploit the Allied weaknesses. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours.

However a great victory Total War – Napoleon and u can fight this battle all day longUnfortunately, the success at Dresden was almost immediately negated by the disaster at Kulm.

The Battle of Dresden was fought on 26–27 August 1813 around Dresden, Germany, resulting in a French victory under Napoleon against forces of the Sixth Coalition of Austrians, Russians and Prussians under Field Marshal Schwartzenberg. I know how it's hard to make a rebuild with a small scale, and that one is really impressive.

You earn a diamond and a Fav from me :)Lol I thought the first image was real. The Battle of Bautzen (or Battle of Budziszyn, April 1945) was one of the last battles of the Eastern Front during World War II.

All rights reserved. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. This animation covers the Battle of Dresden, August 26-27, 1813.

Bonaparte once said that “A man has his day in war as in other things; I myself shall be good for it another six years, after which even I shall have to stop”. I hope it is effective with your class and others.I think Dresden proved that Napoleon, with the use of cavalry, (much depleted in numbers due to the debacle of the Russian campaign of 1812) could still out fight his enemies.I think Dumbrowki’s Poles fought valiantly too. He managed to surprise his opponents with such a forced march. Most are Average grade unless otherwise stated.

Wow really nice project. The officer corps, cavalry and artillery were no longer of the standard to which Napoleon had commanded in earlier campaigns.I would also suggest that some of Napoleon’s subordinates showed far less initiative in this campaign and consequently lost the war, whereas Napoleon proved still to have his genius intact.The battle of Dresden showed Napoleon at his best. All creations copyright of the creators.|Material+Icons,//,//,// Liviu Liv Napoleon.

Thanks for your hard work!It is always good to hear that my work is being used in such an educational way. It's like a museum.

Shown are the units types and number of bases for those units.

Battle of Dresden Area Today A map of the area around the battle positions Battle of Dresden summary. Dresden - is the capital city and after Leipzig the second-largest city of the Free State of Saxony in Germany. He managed to surprise his opponents with such a forced march. Pearl Harbor Map Pearl Harbor Attack World History World War Ii Army Tumblr Remember Pearl Harbor Imperial Japanese Navy Military History Naval History. Deswegen sind wir auch auf eure Zuarbeit durch die Einsendung von Fotos angewiesen.

Leider ist das durch die schiere Menge nicht immer realisierbar.

The 4-1 ratio of losses after the battle was impressive.Unfortunately, from 1812 onwards, he sometimes became ill on the battlefield – at Borodino, at Dresden and at Waterloo – but I don’t think he ever lost his tactical military genius as Montmirail in February 1814 and Ligny in June 1815 demonstrates.I have recently seen the comments about this encounter. If in doubt, see the Combat Units section of the Republique rules. I share a tidbit of French history every day in my French classes with my high schoolers and am ecstatic to share this animation tomorrow, on the anniversary of the Battle of Dresden!