Price without credit will apply prior to the first full 30-day billing period or if services are terminated during a 30-day billing period. Prince Edward Island Alt TV requires a subscription to an eligible Fibe Internet package starting with Fibe 15 which includes download speeds of up to 15 Mbps, upload speeds of up to 10 Mbps and unlimited monthly usage. Credits apply to the first full 30-day billing period and for each full billing period after that, for the duration of the promotion.

Any change made to services may affect the price and/or result in the loss of credits or promotions, as the case may be, as eligibility conditions may vary. Speeds on the Internet may vary with your configuration, Internet traffic, server, environmental conditions, simultaneous use of Fibe TV (if applicable) or other factors.Crave and all associated logos are trademarks of Bell Media Inc. All rights reserved. Pick the channels you want. Help with the Crave™ app Other conditions apply, including minimum system requirements.

credit for 2 full billing periods.

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Manitoba Subject to change without notice; not combinable with other offers.

Enjoy access to Hollywood's latest films and all-time favourite movies, HBO, Showtime, hit TV series, and originals from Crave and STARZ.
Northwest Territories Price without credit will apply prior to the first full 30-day billing period or if services are terminated during a 30-day billing period. Pricing is based on continued subscription to an eligible TV package and to Hollywood Suite at $6/mo., less $6/mo. Enjoy originals from Crave and SUPER ÉCRAN plus series from Showtime and HBO, Hollywood’s biggest movies as well as current seasons of hit TV series in French.
Credits apply to the first full 30-day billing period and for each full billing period after that, for the duration of the promotion. The choice for entertainment lovers. Taxes extra. Find all your favourite programming in one easy-to-use app that’s reliable and features great picture quality.