The City intends to credit any learn to swim applicants. In accordance with the Hardship Policy, Community Groups can apply for assistance with: You will need to contact the City of Busselton to provide the additional information as to how your circumstances has changed. Information about Fires, Emergency Situations and Weather WarningsInformation about making a rates, planning, health or animal paymentInformation on animals and listing of dog exercise areas brochures with mapsEmployment Opportunities / Vacancies at City of BusseltonPlanning, Building, Health and Event Applications or Customer RequestsUpcoming meetings and see the minutes for previous meetingsList of community organisations, services, clubs and groupsThe City of Busselton is excited to announce that new websites for the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) and Naturaliste Community Centre (NCC) will be launched on Monday 27 July 2020.Contrary to discussions within the community, the City’s Councillors and Chief Executive Officer are keen to facilitate the request for an electors meeting.Rio Tinto has partnered with the City of Busselton to assist local community groups and not-for-profit organisations impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.Planned works, road and footpath closures occurring within the City of Busselton.
© 2014 City of Busselton | 3.
This is provided that all the required information and evidence has been received from the applicant. The City will give consideration to placing a halt on outstanding rates, on a case by case basis, if it can be demonstrated that a ratepayer has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.To apply for consideration for assistance under the Financial Hardship Policy you will need to complete a simple form available on the City’s website. Once the City has an improved understanding of the applications it can expect to receive, it is intended that applications will be able to be assessed within 5 working days. Hardship Relief FAQs. What assistance is the City of Busselton providing under the Hardship Policy?4. When will I find out if my application has been approved?9. You are required to make an application for assistance under the Hardship Policy requesting assistance with your self-supporting loan.
There are a number of organisations that have loans with the City of Busselton. Initial applications may take a number of weeks to consider.
Published on 17 July 2020. What if I am refused an application for Financial Hardship and my circumstances adversely change? These include: City of Busselton Councillors unanimously voted to extend the COVID-19 financial hardship policy on Wednesday night. Mayor Grant Henley - City of Busselton, Busselton, Western Australia. For eligible upfront (fixed period membership) and direct debit memberships the City will suspend memberships so that they continue upon reopening. What if I/my community group has a self-supporting loan with Council?7. Call for Special Meeting of Electors Not Ignored. The City of Busselton's up and coming workshops and information sessions.Click here to view upcoming events within the regionHave Your Say & Help Shape the Future of our CommunityCultural Precinct Revitalisation: Performing Arts & Convention Centre. Give feedback & find out more The policy gives Chief Exective Mike Archer the power to waive City debts of up to $50,000 for COVID-19 related financial hardship applications. The City of Busselton is excited to announce that new websites for the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) and Naturaliste Community Centre (NCC) will be launched on Monday 27 July 2020. Local residents experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic may be able to access relief from City of Busselton in the areas of rates, leases (on property owned by the City of Busselton), fees and charges. The City of Busselton council unanimously approved the extension of the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy on Wednesday night. 210 likes.
In the case of a community group, you should state which group you represent, and provide evidence that you are authorised to apply on their behalf.
Local residents experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic may be able to access relief from City of Busselton in the areas of rates, leases (on property owned by the City of Busselton), fees and charges.To determine whether you are eligible for consideration under the interim You can lodge an online application for City of Busselton COVID-19 Financial Hardship support © 2014 City of Busselton | What if I default on my agreed payment arrangements?6.
The City will give consideration to suspending recovery of outstanding debts by way of negotiating a suitable payment arrangement with debtors. Where a debtor is unable to make payments in accordance with the agreed payment plan and the debtor advises the City and makes an alternative plan before defaulting on the 3rd due payment, the City will then continue to suspend debt recovery processes.