None of the ones running are anything like Obama except on the democrat side, so hopefully they will be history come November…Let us pray! Just as the name implies, it was a democratic idealism that also puts a premium on having an open forum when it comes to policies.Of course, it followed the thought of communism by adhering to the ideology known as Marxism–Leninism. — According to the program, the strategic goal of the party is to build in Russia a "renewed socialism, socialism of the 21st century".In recent years, the Communist Party has also shown tendency of moving towards Under the present conditions in the Russian Federation, the CPRF calls for the following proposals:Since its founding the CPRF has had several distinct internal factions:According to the financial report of the CPRF, in 2006 the party received 127,453,237 rubles (3,998,835 US$): I have a neighbor who is Russian and she has told me a little bit about life there but not much about the “politics/government”.I’d like to know more about the education aspect… She told me that they “test” in Russia and the government chooses your major in college. I really was hoping to hear that Russia was no longer communist for the people of that beautiful and the World in general. I came here and found nothing. Barely. In 2012, several opposition politicians, including In February 2005, the CPRF defeated the ruling pro-Kremlin party On 11 March 2007, elections took place for 14 regional and local legislatures. According to a report at the XIII Congress of the CPRF, for ten months of 2008 total income amounted to 148 million rubles, including 8 million rubles from charges membership fees, 36 million rubles from donations and 106 million rubles from government funding. In 2006, the party spent 116,823,489 rubles (3,665,328 US$): Sorry but in my opinion Russians are Leninist Fascists disguising themselves under the guise of democracy.Bookmarked your site and thank you for the explaining so many questions about Russia today. I think Oliver Stone did an amazing job!My question is That if Russia is a socialist country. It is the second-largest political party in the R… Their votes are mostly coming from older people, who was born and lived in the Soviet Union.On the other hand, there are more communist parties being established, like “Communists of Russia” or “Patriots of Russia”. Can u plz put Info on how russia is a socialist country?Russia is no longer a socialist country since 1991.How do you define the difference between a “socialist” country and a “communist” country?Thank you for your article.