Subscribe to our newsletter below.Thanks for your registration, follow us on our social networks to keep up-to-date A Connection object holds the information that is required for an application to connect to the FileNet P8 domain and its resources. FileNet was acquired by IBM in 2006 and has retained the FileNet moniker for the software product line. If you are running FileNet on a different platform, minor changes in the VM Arguments and JAR files are needed to match the application server you are using. We have a requirement of storing an image through our java web application on the filenet (Image Services 4.0) through java api's.Our Web application is residing on the Linux server and also the filenet is on another Linux server. For example, P8Connector. An explanation of sessions in combination with the Component Integrator usually starts with the fact that the JAAS framework is used for authentication. This will serve to help navigate the APIs for those new to FileNet and also help veterans get started connecting to FileNet P8 4.0 quickly. The following code uses the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) transport protocol with WebSphere Application Server. In the sample code, the goal is to connect successfully to both CE and PE, and retrieve a list of Document Class properties and Queues.A simple test to see whether a user has sufficient rights to do certain functions via the API is to log in to Workplace and attempt to do the functionality that you are trying through the API. The two main core components that yu'll focus on are the FileNet Content and Process Engines.The FileNet Content Engine (CE) stores content and its metadata as part of business objects that are classified by Document Classes. For the sample, I've left this as null so that all non-object properties are returned by default.Because the Domain is a container for CE resources, you now can retrieve your Object Store. The sample code starts off by logging into the CE first.Next, to use JAAS, you create a Subject object. Most standard uses of the software can be handled through this out-of-the-box functionality. I am deploying on WAS 6.0 in RAD 7 test environment. Once this main configuration is done, the fine tuning can be done either in FEM or the web-based FileNet Workplace application.The FileNet Process Engine (PE) drives the cqpability to create and simulate business processes in Workflows.
In its most recent form, it is called the IBM FileNet P8 4.0 Platform (FileNet P8 for short, but I've used FileNet and FileNet P8 interchangeably throughout this article).FileNet P8 is a suite of enterprise software that is known for enabling businesses to integrate process and content management in one solution. Configuration is mainly done in a thick-client application called FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM) that allows configuration of the Object Stores and Document Classes. You pass in the username and password you want to use. This sets the user pushed as the active user for subsequent CE API calls.Now that you have a valid Subject on the stack, you can retrieve objects from the FileNet server. Passing in 'null' means you want to use the default FileNet JAAS stanza, which is called 'FileNetP8'. There is a default Document Class called 'Document' that serves as the base Document Class.In this section, I'll break down the main test method in the sample code and explain the API calls being made.

However, in practice, the Java components often have to interact with either the Content Engine or the Process Engine. I am currently trying to create a Webapplication to connect to filenet CE 4.0 I was able to create a java console application using Rad 7 to connect to both CE & PE 4.0. Because my FileNet environment runs on a WebSphere 6.1 application server and uses Java 1.5, this is the base that I will be using throughout the article. FileNet was founded in 1982 and released one of the first commercially successful document imaging solutions. An example is, if you are trying to get a list of Document Classes through the API, you should be able to do the same in Workplace.Each Object Store has its own set of Document Classes that can be defined. The FileNet API is organized by packages for the Content Engine (com.filenet.api. The code pane opens with a template for your class. Once the environment is set up, you can start looking into the code. Initially, the FileNet API may seem large and complex but through this article I'll cover the basic steps needed to connect to both the process and content management products using the FileNet Java API. Over the years, it has evolved into more of a software-based solution that today contains much more than just document imaging. The server authenticates the user and returns the JAAS subject.Before running any further CE API calls, it is necessary to push a Subject object onto the UserContext stack. These Workflows are stored as content in the CE and can be configured through Workplace. This will serve to help navigate the APIs for those new to FileNet and also help veterans get started connecting to FileNet P8 4.0 quickly.Before you dive into the API code, it is helpful to understand the basic architecture for FileNet P8 4.0.