See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Houston, TX. You can do one or all of the situations below. This is different from asking a person to repeat something.The person might not have explained themselves clearly, for example. In such cases, you can check your understanding by rephrasing what the person said. 1 und 2) sowie der Verlustbeteiligung gem.Second observation: I am also extremely glad that a number of principles, rather technical a priori but nevertheless very important in this case, have been adopted in relation to approval; particularly cross-acceptance of rolling stock except in the event of specific characteristics of the local network, the obligation for the national authorities toMeine zweite Bemerkung: Ich freue mich natürlich auch, dass einige Prinzipien, die a priori sehr technisch klingen, aber sehr wichtig für unser Thema sind, angenommen werden konnten, was insbesondere die Zulassung, die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Fahrzeuge, außer im Falle von Anforderungen aufgrund spezifischer Merkmale des lokalen Netze, die Verpflichtung für die nationale Behörde, das reale Risiko hinsichtlich der Sicherheitim Sinne der Definition gemäß IFRS 8.5 abzustellen replace the abovementioned annexes by the standard form.Anhänge durch die Standardformulare ersetzt werden.als auch dem Ausdruck den Spiel-Inhalten ähnlich sind.the final table of one participating tournament, and next finishes at a final table of a different participating tournament, and next finishes at a final table of a third participating tournament, he will be considered as having qualified.den Finaltisch eines Aktionsturnieres erreicht, danach an den Finaltisch eines weiteren Aktionsturnieres kommt und zum Schluss ein Drittes Aktionsturnier ebenfalls am Finaltisch abschliesst, dann gilt der Spieler als based upon" Game Content are works which are substantially similar, both eine erhebliche Ähnlichkeit zum Inhalt aufweist, und zwar sowohl was Idee als auch Ausdruck angeht.the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the license fee.die juristische oder natürliche Person, das/die die Lizenzgebühr entrichtet.also moved the objectives of the programme from an Annex to an Article; and has clarified the selection criteria and eligible expenses, (parts B and D of the Annex).Rat außerdem die Ziele des Programms, die zunächst im Anhang angeführt waren, in einen Artikel aufgenommen und die Auswahlkriterien sowie die zuschussfähigen Ausgaben (Teil B und Teil D des Anhangs) präzisiert. Below is a helpful structure, and some phrases, to help you politely get what you want with your clarification emails. As in: "Just for clarification, are you saying that we need to hire another secretary?" Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Here are some phrases you can use.

For Clarification Purposes synonyms. Q. Quiensepa Senior Member. Classic Thesaurus. to become clear as a result of such a process (C14: from Old French clarifier, from Late Latin clarificare, from Latin clarus clear + facere to make) 2. Was our country NOT founded on faith? Here are some phrases you can use.For many of them, you can use “can” or “could,” with could being a little more formal:The phrase “When you say…, do you mean…?” of course is not a complete sentence. Clarification is important in many situations especially when what is being communicated is difficult in some way. Don’t be vague, simply state that you don’t … Let’s do that now. Top synonyms for for clarification purposes (other words for for clarification purposes) are for the sake of clarity, for clarification and for the clarification. Admit you need clarification. Here is how it sounds when complete:Other times, you may simply need more information or a helpful example. 1348/2000 des Rates vom 29. the specific agenda items of the General Meeting of October 25, 2006) were not published on the Internet in line with the parameters laid down by PricewaterhouseCoopers in order to confine access by non-shareholders to these appraisals.Bewertungsgutachten der PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, zum Unternehmenswert der verkauften Einheiten der HVB AG in Österreich, dem östlichen Zentraleuropa und Osteuropa (vgl. Best synonyms for 'for clarification purposes' are 'for clarification', 'for the sake of clarity' and 'clarify'. - shows 3-letter terms; a? For clarification, Teresa was explaining to the class that they were going to be like marionettes hanging by the strings. U.S. English Feb 10, 2011 #2 Sí. b) Diese Verpflichtung beginnt ab erstmaligem Erhalt der Unterlagen oder Kenntnisse und endet 36 Monate nach Ende der Geschäftsverbindung.Histoire affirm that the contemporary and military historicand art historian research, for the clarification or coverage of the scenes of the events of the day or of the military historic and regimentals research (§ 86 a StGB).Bestrebungen, der wissenschaftlichen und kunsthistorischen Forschung, der Aufklärung oder Berichterstattung über die Vorgänge des Zeitgeschehens oder der militärhistorischen und uniformkundlichen Forschung angeboten werden (§ 86 a StGB). For clarification purposes, a player who finishes at [...] the final table of one participating tournament, and next finishes at a final table of a different participating tournament, and next finishes at a final table of a third participating tournament, he will be considered as having qualified.