First of all, let's create an Then, let's write out simple web service with request and response:Finally, let's implement our XSLT and localization XML files and name them as All input data is merged within an XML document that looks like this:Then the XSLT file produces the XSL-FO document by querying previous XML content. This article is about using XML/XSL-FO and the open source library FO.NET to generate PDF documents by mixing input parameters, images and static localization The following image describes the idea behind this solution:The user submits its request to the web service. This article is about using XML/XSL-FO and the open source library FO.NET to generate PDF documents by mixing input parameters, images and static localization strings. I think that this kind of approach is ideal to automate the process of generating invoices or simple dynamic documents/reports related to web service/server pages input parameters. It makes use of a helper extension class (The final result is parsed by FO.NET and the output looks really great!The benefit of generating PDF documents with this approach is that the developer doesn't have to know any particular API and can modify at runtime the document layout just by changing some XSLT queries or adding new XSL-FO statements.I hope that my work will be helpful and enjoyable to use!This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under Use Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages. The result is passed through an XSLT sheet and the output is an XSL-FO document. Take a look at my professional profile and become a part of my network on LinkedIn. The request is serialized to XML and merged with a static localization XML. XSL-FO (The following UML diagram represents the relationships between the most important classes in the solution.A short description of each class and of their responsibilities:I decided to test the PDF printer core with a simple WCF service. This documents has been auto-generated with Pdf Printer Service"utilityExtension:MapPath('~/App_Data/Resources/IMAGES/logo.jpg')"/PdfPrinter/culture/label[@id='EmptyMessage']/@text"Last Visit: 31-Jul-20 19:48     Last Update: 31-Jul-20 19:48