With Ward not giving the order to stop As more weapons were being unloaded, Ward was shocked to see that Malick had a dinner of octopus served up for the pair of them and explained why the octopus was Managing to use his S.H.I.E.L.D. Grant Douglas Ward, the son of politicians, was abused by his parents and older brother Christian growing up. radio for all agents to move to the south corner and await May's arrival, so Ward prepared to finally gain his revenge against his former friend and lover. By the time Garrett returned, he was impressed by Ward's efforts and he claimed that he could not be prouder. He explained that this way, the sensation of unbearable pain, would hit her body all at once. Stopping off at a hotel, Ward took a shower, shaved off his beard and put on a new clean suit before calling Ward handcuffed Christian and forced him to walk through the woods where they had grown up, Christian continued to try and manipulate Ward by reminding him of his many crimes, but Ward ignored him and forced him to continue walking. Believing him to be a possible threat, Ward held his gun to "Daniels"' head while Fitz frantically explained that "Daniels" was their only hope at finding Hive as he had been trapped on the planet for years and would be able to teach them how to survive. and a HYDRA operative, Ward was highly skilled with all types of firearms. Ward offered Palamas the chance to shoot Morse, but she refused, citing that it did not feel right as she did not feel remorse. Finally, one of the men told him the vault was in He informed her of his intention to leave the plane while causing it to crash in mid-air by preparing to blast open the doors and ordered her to strap in. However, he felt that Skye was not fully committing herself to it or to The team received a call that a S.H.I.E.L.D. Ward learned that his girlfriend was an Inhuman and therefore became a double agent within HYDRA in order to protect her since the fascist organization was hunting down Inhumans. Late…

Skye/Grant Ward; Skye; Grant Ward; No Inhumans; Season 2 AU; Summary. training, Ward was soon able to overpower and subdue all of Vanchat's bodyguards, using whatever items were nearby to his advantage, including hitting one man with a blender. He and The team were able to locate Simmons back on the train and learned that Fitz and Skye had moved to Back on the Bus, the team began thinking about finding some kind of medication for Skye to save her life. As he stood with his remaining HYDRA agents, they were shot by As they continued walking, with Coulson shooting Ward in the arm to keep him quiet and stop his continued discussions on the meaning of HYDRA, they had then located Coulson then stood over the defeated Ward, as he thought about all the lives that he had taken during his life, including During his crusade several months later, Hive stepped into a trap which caused a machine to overload his brain and surge the memories of all his hosts at once, including Ward; Hive spent the next few minutes blurting out random quotes from his more recent hosts as a result but managed to regain coherence by fixating on Ward's memories.The virtual Ward, along with everything else in the Framework, was deleted by In reality, Ward was a master manipulator, who was able to adjust his personality in order to gain the trust of others. agent. Ward became more remorseless and manipulative as he demonstrated when he knew As the new head of HYDRA, having killed Kara and lost all connections to the team, Ward had effectively severed all ties to his humanity and whatever form of conscience he retained before had been erased. Without stopping, Ward used the skills he had learned from his Within mere minutes, Ward had fought every guard on the boat and succeeded in disarming them before knocking them out or throwing them overboard, deciding not to use deadly force on them. Although Ward suffered during the first few weeks due to the loneliness and heavy rain, he soon managed to raid nearby cabins, build his own camp and survive with ease.