Hi,I  have upgrade from win7 to win10  (64 bit both).

Yesterday my laptop got one of the regular Windows 10 updates. It could be either of the following problems:In this piece, we are going to talk about different ways to find out the reason behind and solution for5G WiFi not showing up issue. There, you can see if your router supports 5GHz bandwidth or 2.4GHz bandwidth.If it does, then proceed to the next step to solve the You have reached this section if both your PC and WiFi Router support 5GHz bandwidth or 5G, and you still If this method doesn’t work for you, try the next method to enable 5GHz WiFi or 5G WiFi.Here’s another thing that you can try to enable 5GHz WiFi and solve the “If this method to fix 5G WiFi not showing up problem doesn’t work, you will have to tweak the WiFi driver in the upcoming steps.Updating WiFi Driver at times does the trick and solves the issue for you. If you can’t find their website, take help of Google. But before you go ask Google for this info, go find the box in which your router came.

We will also be working with WiFI Drivers if the primary methods to enable 5GHz WiFi do not work.The first thing to do is give your PC and WiFi router a check if they do support 5GHz WiFi or not.This will show the wireless LAN Driver properties on your computer.In this section, you will see 3 network modes. in linux it’s as simple as a module option lar_disable=1 . Research and find out resources with the description of the router model you are using. I cant play on my old 2.4ghz network because it lags. Following are the network modes with what they mean:To check if your router supports 6 GHz bandwidth or 5G, you will have to do some internet research. To change the connection type (band) to 5GHz … Let’s explore the ways to change the network band-See this – How to share files and printers on Windows 10 lacking HomeGroup. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community.I have searched for information about the wireless adapter installed in your computer and found that your wireless adapter has 802.11n standard, which supports 5GHz bandwidth.unfortunately, I was unable to find the Wireless adapter make and model.

Hi, I need to switch the wifi band to 5ghz (I bought this modem for that) but there is no option, can you help me please. Windows 10 not recognize 5GHz wifi Hi,I have upgrade from win7 to win10 (64 bit both). Thanks again!Thank you for a simple step by step support.