I couldn’t find a link to it even though it’s referenced. (sorry for my English, it’s not so good ^^)Just wanted to throw out there that Golden Loach can be found quite easily in Daniffen Pass using honey worm (along with Alabathian Smelt), just south-west of The Nail.I wanted to let you know about the lvl 50 glacial core bait is incorrect. If you allready are taking the time to make this guide, why be so lasy as to use shortened words.. Not trying to be rude, just telling you that this guide is a pain in the behind to use.I’m sorry, but refinement to pre-50 FSH will be done after I’m done with the 60 chunk. Based on primarily grinding from 35 to my current level of 43, I would say sticking with the Nail until 45 is probably better than moving to the Burning Wall. Disregarding special preference rules (#4-6), the best bait for a fish is any bait that is eligible (#1), and also eligible for the least number of other fish at a fishing spot (because #2).

And this has only been a few days of nearly a week of fishing, and only using food for the exp boost, no other exp enchantment.i leveled my fisher from 50 till 55 today and noticed that the best thing to do when you reached level 51 is going for the icepick collectible. Please tell me ;) Yesterday I tried to find there with my fellow fishers but we could not find it (with two 50 lv fishers..)Just take the aetheryte to CPP and go left~ish. 3 Ilsabardian Bass : Ceruleum Field, NTH | Mooch from Topwater Frog > Glowworm Boltfish sucks – It’s the “Golden Loach” of this tier. Do you actually need to be a prat about it? Don’t know if this was mentioned in a patch note somewhere.Correction, just hit the “nothing bites” slump. Fantastic guide, would be lost without it!Just want to point out that the info for level 15 levequests is wrong. @40 Head to the Burning Wall, but this time pack some Stem Borers. SPACE. Thanks!Yes I’ve been itching to find the best way to implement that… Any Ideas? Using Topwater Frog as your lure, you have an 80+% chance to sfish up Northern Pike, which is a levequest fish for this tier too.Boltfish sucks – It’s the “Golden Loach” of this tier.

Have any idea when the 50-60 guide will be ready?Oh boy… I’ve been 60 FSH for a while.. These abbreviations are commonly used in many FFXIV related communications, within and without Eorzea… It would be beneficial to you to learn them! Ilsabardian Bass Gamer Escape Gaming News Reviews Ffxiv.gamerescape.com Unlike its Eorzean cousins the Ilsabardian bass is mean-tempered and quick to bite attacking other species sharing the same lake until there

Don’t be so hasty to post!S/he is right about Yugr’am being in Eastern Thanalan, though.Would it actually hurt to be constructive and polite? I wonder if there was an update to change these? Says so in the quest text, actually.Thank you so much for the guide! I’ve been experimenting with all sorts of holes and lures in this tier but it’s simply too hard to justify NOT using leves in this final push to 50. Can you tell me more?Thank you so much, I know this took a whole mess of work to finish.Just wanted to say thank for this guide, I got to lvl 44 so for with little to no effort taking long breaks while following this guide. Check the table above, I’ll clarify this in other instances of glacier core in the guide.On the Level 54 fishing writeup, you include this part:Alternative Grinding: Mogpom, fished from Greensward in Churning Mists – is a great fishing hole to grind on. Ilsabardian Bass: Unlike its Eorzean cousins, the Ilsabardian bass is mean-tempered and quick to bite, attacking other species sharing the same lake until there are none left but its own.