When searching for a replacement, the phone call went out to Marks – who won the prestigious National Open at Williams Grove Speedway this year.“I was really excited,” said Marks about getting the call to drive the No. Criminal or Civil Court records found on Brent's Background Report Criminal or Civil Court records found on Brent's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details. NEW COMBINATION: Brent Marks, CJB Motorsports set for DIRTcar Nationals deb Finished ninth at Black Hill Speedway on Friday, August 23. Scored back-to-back top-five finishes [4th & 2nd] during Music City Outlaw Nationals at Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway on May 31 & June 1. Learn more. I’m excited.”Marks has had varying results at the DIRTcar Nationals, earning at least one top-10 in his first two appearances at the event but was unable to crack the top-20 this year.
Finished tenth from 13th at Wilmot Raceway on Saturday, July 13. or. Finished 11th at Lake Ozark (Mo.)
Create New Account. Just super pumped up about it.”He spent the last three years fielding his own full-time World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Car Series team, taking care of the bills, getting his hauler around the country, building his own cars and racing them for more than 80 races a year. This is Me - Control Profile.
And spend more time on himself.At 28 years old, Marks said he feels like he’s in good shape, but could be better.
“Chad Baker from Baker Graphics did a fantastic job bringing this new car to life,” Marks said. Sign Up.
I have a lot of great partners who make a journey like this possible and I’m excited to share my experiences with them.”Additional news and notes regarding Brent Marks and Brent Marks Racing will be posted in the near future. MYERSTOWN, Pa. – Brent Marks will launch his first campaign with the World of Outlaws Craftsman Sprint Car Series with a new look, as well as a new number, each commemorating a major step in his racing career. Brent Marks, Myerstown, Pennsylvania. Criminal or Civil Court records found on Brent's Background Report Criminal or Civil Court records found on Brent's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details. “Another thing is I have a lot of confidence going into that team. Create New Account. They have a lot of speed.
Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. I can focus that pressure on performing.”The change also allows him to have a more relaxing off season. It’s a really cool opportunity. He’s a really smart guy. Finished tenth during Silver Dollar Speedway’s Gold Cup on Saturday, September 7. The 2019 National Open Champion is currently 2nd in the Lawrence Chevrolet standings and trails Danny Dietrich by just 50 points. Finished ninth at Dodge City Raceway Park on Saturday, September 21. He’ll run a part-time World of Outlaws schedule in 2020, mixed with various other races throughout the year. Scored Williams Grove Speedway National Open victory worth $65,000; largest victory of career and largest payday in Williams Grove Speedway history. Marks, the 2019 National Open champion at Williams Grove Speedway worth an unprecedented $65,000, has been a staple with the Greatest Show On Dirt since making his full-time debut in 2017, and despite his 2019 campaign coming to a close less than a week prior to this announcement, his mind has long been made up. Rallied from 15th to finish eighth during opening night of Ironman weekend on Friday, August 2. Recent Post by Page.
May you rest in peace. Speedway on Friday, April 26. Brent Marks shared a link. Consumed with the logistics of owning a team, Marks said he wasn’t able to focus like he needed to.Now, his main responsibility is to show up to the racetrack and drive.“It’s a great move for me,” Marks said. “Takes a lot of pressure off me. Brent Marks Racing LLC is trucking company providing freight transportation services and hauling cargo. See more of Brent Marks on Facebook. View Photos. MYERSTOWN, Pa. (November 14, 2019) - For a fourth consecutive season, Myerstown, Pennsylvania’s Brent Marks will leave the Keystone State behind and hit the highway in 2020, once again following the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series as a full-time competitor. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Marks grabbed the flag and held it eye level. Brent Marks Jonestown, PA. See more of Brent Marks on Facebook.
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Driver of the CJB Motorsports #5 Press alt + / to open this menu. Log In. Finished sixth during Knoxville Nationals preliminary A-main. BRENT MARKS RACING LLC
I’ll get to do that a little bit more.”While Marks no longer has the responsibility to spend his days in a race shop from sunrise until sunset, that won’t keep him away from the CJB shop, especially with it being less than an hour away from where he lives.
MYERSTOWN, Pa. (November 14, 2019) - For a fourth consecutive season, Myerstown, Pennsylvania’s Brent Marks will leave the Keystone State behind and hit the highway in 2020, once again following the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series as a full-time competitor. All rights reserved. Williams Grove Speedway announcer Bruce Ellis held up a checkered flag to Brent Marks.