Moreover, she has also worked at WCCO-TV as a meteorologist and weather anchor before she joined 9 News. What Soft Skills You Need to Succeed in This Career Starting a Career in Sports Management and MarketingNews Anchor Job Description: Salary, Skills, & MoreLearn About Taking the Show on the Road with a Radio Remote BroadcastYour Career Options in the Communications and Media FieldsMarine Corps Job: MOS 6842 METOC Analyst ForecasterArmy Job Description: 68A Biomedical Equipment SpecialistFollow These Tips to Get Your Song Played on the RadioAssignment Editor Job Description: Salary, Skills, & MoreTV News Director Job Description: Salary, Skills, & MoreBroadcast Technician Job Description: Salary, Skills, & MoreCamera Operator: Job Description: Salary, Skills, & MoreSports Announcer Job Description: Salary, Skills, & More Other employers will look for similar qualifications and qualities.Entry with an HND/foundation degree only is rare. Recent graduates and current students can apply. Only individuals who use their meteorological education to report on the weather may call themselves broadcast meteorologists. If employed by the Met Office, you'll be encouraged to manage your own career and to apply for posts within the organisation to broaden your experience and widen your skills and knowledge base. It's unlikely that there'll be standard hours when working in the field.To become a meteorologist you must have a degree, although it doesn't need to be in meteorology. Without him or her, how will you know what to wear or whether you need to bring an umbrella with you when you head out the door? It incorporates the Met Office Hadley Centre, a world-renowned centre for advanced climate modelling and monitoring.Most employees are based at the Met Office's headquarters in Exeter, or their twin operational centre in Aberdeen, but there are many smaller offices and remote centres across the country - as well as overseas locations including Africa, the South Atlantic and the Antarctic.A subsidiary of the Met Office is the Mobile Met Unit (MMU), whose staff are attached to Royal Air Force (RAF) units and may be employed throughout the world on both military exercises and operations.You can also find work in research centres, such as the:Make sure you research organisations thoroughly and consider sending speculative applications where appropriate.You may be expected to work towards a relevant QCF Level 5 qualification, such as:Following this, ongoing training is actively encouraged and is considered to be a vital part of career development. Weather Center Live Radio Meteorologist Nick Walker 1999–present Weather Center Live Alex Wallace 2006–present Weather Center Live Field Reporter Chris Warren 2009–present Weather Center Live Field Reporter Alexandra Wilson 2013–present Weather Center Live Reynolds Wolf: 2012–present Fill-In Field Reporter Experts, Specialists and Reporters. With their specialized knowledge, they can study weather conditions and forecasts, and deliver that information to the public, just as news reporters do with the current events of the day. My days are spent watching and forecasting the weather, starting with 3aw Breakfast with Ross and John, then on Channel 7's The Daily Edition, 4pm news and 6pm news. He was also their tropical expert and an on-air fixture when a tropical storm or hurricane was brewing. After all, you see them work every day. Some individuals make it to national news morning shows where they become part of the anchor team.