We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Judgemeadow Community College have published on their website.

Every young person is a valued individual and we have the environment for them to achieve their goals; parents will know they can feel safe in the knowledge that their child will be nurtured to be everything they want to be.The Judgemeadow curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils have a rewarding and enjoyable experience of school.

We are always pleased to share information about our school and therefore hope that you will contact us should you require further details.

The Term and Holiday Dates for … You can contact your local Instructor, Bhupinder Dosanjh on 0333 577 7441 or email leicesterevington@kumoncentre.co.uk.

Performances throughout the year ensure that our students are able to share their talents with parents and other young people in the school, giving our students a platform on which to showcase their talent.Following on from the updated Government directive on school closures in the Leicester and Leicestershire area, Judgemeadow is now closed from Tuesday 30th June to all students except children of key workers who have registered for a place.We use cookies on our website to ensure that we give you the best experience. opportunities from clubs and societies through to charity and community

Welcome to Judgemeadow.

To learn more please visit © Lionheart Academies Trust 2020 - All Rights Reserved. If there is information or resources that you would like to have available on our website, then we would be very pleased to hear from you with your suggestion.Beyond education, we offer a wide ride range of extra-curricular  and a member of the safeguarding team will be in contact with you.

"At first I was nervous when I started at Judgemeadow, but my transition day really helped me to settle in!

However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.Explore our fantastic facilities, exciting curriculum, subject specialist staff and broad holistic offer.At Judgemeadow, we are committed to creating a powerful culture based on the principles of respect, kindness, hard work and exemplary behaviour.

We believe that effective careers education, information and guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.Students can choose from a range of over 20 extra curricular activities which range from those that explore a passion for science to art and design, music and sport. We want to help our young people not only succeed academically, but socially, spiritually and culturally too.Please find necessary information about the facilities we have available to hire by clicking the Facilities button. TRAVEL AGENTS. Judgemeadow Community College 2016/2017 Verification.

Going Forward "At first I was nervous when I started at Judgemeadow, but my transition day really helped me to settle in!

The Kumon Leicester, Evington Study Centre is located at Judgemeadow Community College, Marydene Drive, Evington, Leicester, LE5 6HP with classes running on Tuesdays from 4pm to 6pm and Saturdays, 10am to 12pm. Every young person is a valued individual and we have the environment for them to achieve their goals; parents will know they can feel safe in the knowledge that their child will be nurtured to be everything they want to be.At Judgemeadow we pride ourselves on making sure that our school not only offers the best academic opportunities, but is also able to provide a pastoral system which focuses on safety, well-being, and enriching pupil’s educational experiences so that young people are able to fully thrive.

Beyond Education

2019 / 2020 INSET and training days for Judgemeadow Community College. Holidays.

At Judgemeadow, we are committed to creating a powerful culture based on the principles of respect, kindness, hard work and exemplary behaviour. July 09, 2020 An important message to citizens of Leicester from Simon Cold, Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary View message here A message of support and thanks from Rebecca Brown, Acting Chief Execu … Year 7 Open Day.

In the event of a partial or full school closure, if you have any concerns about safeguarding issues please email