Our report for June Lake is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of water temperatures, current temperatures and weather forecasts. Our report for Lake Sonoma is compiled using satellite data together with in-situ observations to get the most reliable daily data of water temperatures, current temperatures and weather forecasts. The warmest water temperature in June Lake in June is 60.8°F/16°C, and the coldest water temperature in June is 55.4°F/13°C. Average water temperature in Lake Sonoma in June is 55.8°F/13.2°C and therefore is not suitable for comfortable swimming. Average water temperature in Lake Sonoma in June is 13.2°C/55.8°F and therefore is not suitable for comfortable swimming.
It has a maximum depth of 74 feet. As a result, you will be able to get a fairly accurate idea about the average water temperature in June. Water levels are given as feet above mean sea level datum. The warmest water temperature in June Lake in June is 16°C/60.8°F, and the coldest water temperature in June is 13°C/55.4°F. Visitors have access to the lake from public boat landings, public beaches.
As a result, you will be able to get a fairly accurate idea about the average water temperature in June. Features Fish include Musky, Panfish, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Walleye, Sturgeon and Catfish. The waters of Lake Champlain reached a new high for the month of June on Monday, measuring at 77 degrees from a temperature reading in Burlington taken seven feet below the surface water. Volunteers are the source of the majority of Wisconsin's lake water quality data, and their dedication is greatly appreciated. Compare two years using the chart below.
Lake Monona has been monitored by volunteers since 1989. Water temperature forecasts for the long term tend to be misleading. July Temperature Madison, Dane County Regional-Truax Field (5 miles) 2020 June July. Lake Champlain is seeing the effects of a lengthy heat wave in the valley, warming to record temperatures for the month of June. Temperature prediction accuracy is expected to range between 1 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit. Water temperature forecasts for the long term tend to be misleading. Volunteers monitor water clarity with a black and white Secchi disk. Compare two years using the chart below.
Average water temperature in June Lake in June is 14°C/57.2°F and therefore is not suitable for comfortable swimming. So instead, you can use our extensive historic data to check the water temperature in Lake Sonoma in June over a period of the last ten years. The lake's water is moderately clear.
So instead, you can use our extensive historic data to check the water temperature in June Lake in June over a period of the last ten years. Lake Monona is a 3359 acre lake located in Dane County. 2017 results from our monitoring program Overview From Memorial Day to Labor Day, volunteers at piers and beaches around the five Yahara lakes measured near-shore water clarity, air and water temperature, and noted several visual observations. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Document 3-SD-77-808, 1979 (PDF) Summer Minimum Water Level: 849.6' Summer Maximum Water Level: 850.1' Winter Minimum Water Level: 848.2' Additional requirement: maintain a 4.9' difference with Lake Monona. The warmest water temperature in Lake Sonoma in June is 59°F/15°C, and the coldest water temperature in June is 53.6°F/12°C. Average water temperature in June Lake in June is 57.2°F/14°C and therefore is not suitable for comfortable swimming.
The warmest water temperature in Lake Sonoma in June is 15°C/59°F, and the coldest water temperature in June is 12°C/53.6°F. Lake Monona Temperature Statistics . For all sorts of lake-relatved recreation such as swimming boating,and fishing, this site provides mathematically generated instantaneous and 5-day predictions of lake surface water temperatures.