the AppExchange Terms of Use. Before you go to the code repository, the provider requests your contact information.Allow the provider to contact me by email, phone, or SMS about other products or services I might likeAllow the provider to contact me by email, phone, or SMS about other products or services I might likeAllow the provider to contact me by email, phone, or SMS about other products or services I might likeInstall this package in the org where you or your users work, including Developer Edition orgs. @Dennis Leyens, I am working off a custom object called, Project. @Benjamin, for me, ContactId={!Opportunity.ContactId} worked for creating a ContactRole marked a PrimaryHi, anyone know how to create a URL to create an email and prepopulate the template, etc…?Matthew, you don´t need a URL to do that. Trailblazer Community To understand how this affects security and trust, see the We show Salesforce accounts that are linked to and have the Manage Billing permission. posting offensive language, making fraudulent statements in a review, and other violations of When you're ready, come back to AppExchange and install the package in the free trial.Extend Your Salesforce Org By submitting this request, you agree to share your information with Salesforce and the provider of this listing, Salesforce Labs. But this is really bad design. Explore articles, Trailhead content, and community groups to make the most of Salesforce with AppExchange.AppExchange Resources Nonprofits Some examples include: cookies used to analyze site traffic, cookies used for market research, and cookies used to display advertising that is not directed to a particular individual. lightning:datatable is not supported on mobile devices.Tables can be populated during initialization using the In this example, we will simply display list of account using lightning:datatable.Use the following column properties to customize the behavior and visual aspects of your columns.Could you explain me how to use tool tip for each cell column data in lightning datatable.Does lighting table has the property of expand and collapse in rows. use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. When I click on the Email link in the Activity History Related List.