Despite his attempts to avoid Lila, she invites herself to Dexter's bowling night with his coworkers. When she learns that Dexter is going to Cody's school to listen to his cultural report, Lila feels that Dexter is drifting apart from her. Out of stress and rage over the breakup, Dexter visits Lila's loft to express his anger at her for causing his problems with Rita. After Dexter discovers that Lila killed Doakes, he meets with her at the Lila's painting of Dexter, after she learns he is The Bay Harbor ButcherLila tells Dexter that they are meant to be togetherDexter and Lila are reprimanded for kissing at the aquariumTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lila nevertheless keeps stalking Dexter, who has reconciled with Rita, and follows him to his cabin in the Florida Everglades, where he has coincidentally imprisoned his nemesis, Sgt. He tells her they didn’t have sex “that night,” and Rita realizes they had sex another time. She says she did it to bring Dexter back into her arms, and it worked. Dexter meets with Lila under the pretext of wanting to run away with her; he is in fact luring her in to kill her.

While helping Lila clean up her loft, Dexter takes a closer look around and notices that the fire had multiple points of origin. When Doakes tells her that Dexter is a serial killer, she decides to kill him in order to protect Dexter, and starts a propane fire that destroys the cabin and Doakes with it. She works as an artist, often stealing items to use in her work. After Angel is arrested, an enraged Debra runs a background check with Arriving at the cabin, Lila finds Doakes caged inside and learns from him that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher. He shows up at her apartment to confront her, barely containing his rage. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lila West (real name Lila Tournay) is a character in DEXTER, serving as the primary antagonist of Season 2. By then, she is obsessed with Dexter, believing him to be her soulmate. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Initially, Lila presents as a fun-loving, empathetic person. Lila is slender with black hair and pale skin, in contrast to Rita Bennett’s blonde hair and lightly tanned skinned. Lila's attention-seeking behavior begins to present a danger to Dexter being uncovered as a serial killer. He suspects that Lila started the fire on purpose. She's deeply hurt and orders Dexter out of her house, after which he returns to Lila’s loft. Meanwhile, Lila drops by the station to see Dexter who said he'd be working late. She says that she is a recovering meth addict and pyromaniac who accidentally killed her boyfriend after setting fire to his apartment while high. In the bar's bathroom for women, Dexter faces off with Lila, who insists that the two of them belong together because she knows the real Dexter and isn't afraid of him. The meetings and Lila's advice drive Dexter to delve deeper into trying to understand and overcome his dark side. When he breaks up with her, she retaliates by attacking Rita and her children Astor and Cody, setting their house on fire. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. He apologizes to Rita and tells her that Lila was a huge mistake. When that doesn't win Dexter back, she ingests Rohypnol and has sex with Dexter's friend and coworker Angel Batista, framing him for date rape.