The Netherlands is consistently positioned at the top of the Euro Health Consumer Index and other global rankings and is known for controversial medical practices such as high rates of home births, medical marijuana and legalised euthanasia.Gain a greater understanding of public health policies and medical achievements and practice in Europe. The total workload for two regular courses or one intensive course is around 40 hours per week.In the programme, you choose half your courses from the programme-related majors. Maastricht University uses Problem-Based Learning (PBL), a student-centered teaching approach. Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. CES advisors help students select classes to meet the requirements of their home university.CES programmes are designed for enthusiastic and intellectually curious students dedicated to expanding their academic horizons while abroad. CES applies the following cancellation regulations:Exceptions to the abovementioned cancellation regulations will be reviewed by CES on a case-by-case basis. Do local, national and international governments work together in prevention and extermination of the virus? Students are directly enrolled at Maastricht University (UM) and able to take classes at the prestigious Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) and the highly selective Liberal Arts and Sciences programme at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE).The programme starts with a two-week introduction, which includes CES services, the Berlin Study Trip, a tour of Maastricht and the surrounding area, UM orientation, a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) workshop, a cultural awareness lecture and integration into Dutch student life.Maastricht University uses the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) to measure academic progress. As the bachelor's in European Public Health (EPH) is about preventing disease and promoting healthy lifestyles for all Europeans with clear European policy, that's a question you could be discussing with your fellow EPH students!EPH is for those who are interested in health sciences, healthcare and wellness, but also in national and international politics, administration and management, policy and strategy, communications and media. For me, the uniqueness of the bachelor's in European Public Health lies mainly with the European context included in the curriculumLiving and studying abroad is a completely different experience than just travelling: it makes me a more independent and a stronger person than I was before Your CES coordinators will contact you within a week after receiving your application and additional information to assist you in the registration process and the preparations for your stay in Maastricht.Regarding the criteria for the motivation letter, CES staff are interested in what inspires a student to apply. Small groups of students (12-15) work on academic or practical cases prepared by their professors. Generally a 5-6.5 ECTS course is the equivalent of a full semester course (3 American credit hours).You can earn a minimum of 24 and maximum of 32 ECTS per semester at CES. It starts with a two-week introduction, which includes CES services, the Berlin Study Trip, a tour of Maastricht and the surrounding area, UM orientation, a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) workshop, a cultural awareness lecture, and … It should be written by a professor, academic or study abroad advisor.Please note that once your course list is finalised you will receive a course approval form which you will need to fill in with the help of your home institution.The Center for European Studies incurs costs for each student we register. Do local, national and international governments work together in prevention and extermination of the virus?