These fish are stocked in waters where there is insufficient spawning habitat. All subjects relating to taxidermy are welcome. 3 oz. I was on a lake in Maine last week planted with splake.

The total number of splake stocked was around 90,000 (7.5%).This hybrid trout is not stocked in waters with significant wild brook trout fisheries. The Maine State Record splake was caught in Basin Pond by Dan Paquette. It weighed 10 lbs. Notta. In one case, splake are stocked in a reclaimed pond in which brook trout have become self-sustaining. Moose Pond Thompson. This hatchery fish also provides expanded fall fishing opportunities in many lakes and ponds around the State. 11oz. 11oz. The world record splake was caught in Ontario and weighed 20 lbs. Most importantly, this hybrid trout is capable of creating quality fisheries in waters … White Perch: 3.48-pounds, Jeffery Curtis, Unity, ME, 1/23/2016, Undisclosed location. 11oz.Most importantly, this hybrid trout is capable of creating quality fisheries in waters where other hatchery species have not been successful.

The world record splake was caught in Ontario and weighed 20 lbs. March 2020; February 2020; … It was part of a comparative study between brook trout, rainbow trout, landlocked salmon, and splake. Facebook Comments. They rarely feed on other coldwater gamefish.

In the same water, splake survived to age 4, providing fish in the 16-18 inch range. 11oz. Splake: 10 lbs 3 oz: Daniel R. Paquette: 5/8/1993: Basin Pond: Walleye: 5.7 lbs: Nathan Lawler: 8/1/2009: Messalonskee Lake: White Perch: 3.48 lbs: Jeffery Curtis: 1/23/2016: location undisclosed: Whitefish: 7 lbs 8 oz: Neil Sullivan: 1958: Sebago Lake: Yellow Perch: 1.74 lbs: Austin Mitchell: 3/28/2015: Long Pond: Pumpkinseed Sunfish: 0.6 lbs: Gregory T. Schmidt: 9/9/2014: Knights Pond It weighed 10 lbs. In 1990, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife began a pilot program to determine if splake could provide acceptable fisheries in waters where stocked brook trout had failed.In one study water, stocked brook trout rarely survived beyond age 1 and returns to the anglers were in the 2-8% range. Follow . 8 oz., Neil Sullivan, Worcester, MA, 1958, Sebago Lake

3 oz. Please follow & like us . They rarely feed on other coldwater gamefish.This hatchery fish also provides expanded fall fishing opportunities in many lakes and ponds around the State.The Maine State Record splake was caught in Basin Pond by Dan Paquette. They rarely feed on other coldwater gamefish. lack of adipose fin shows it to be a stocked splake

This hatchery fish also provides expanded fall fishing opportunities in many lakes and ponds around the State. State Records. The Taxidermy Net Forum is an Internet-based community for free exchange of information and ideas related to the taxidermy industry. Lake Records. Feel free to join in with your questions, comments, and news. Very few fish are stocked for the purpose of creating wild populations.Maine currently has approximately 53 waters managed primarily for splake. Splake feed primarily on smelts, white perch, yellow perch, and minnows. Splake are stocked in an effort to reduce the number of illegally introduced smelts.

Splake are also stocked in conjunction with hatchery brook trout in some waters to provide an occasional larger fish.In 2001, the ME DIF&W stocked just over 1.2 million fish. The world record splake was caught in Ontario and weighed 20 lbs. The estimated splake returns to anglers, during ice fishing only, were as high as 78%.Nearly all of Maine's hatchery fish including brook trout, landlocked salmon, lake trout, splake, and brown trout are stocked for the sole purpose of providing angling opportunity. It weighed 10 lbs. Splake: 14.7 pounds; 32-1/2″ long; Drew Leavitt, Greene, ME; 8/2/2019; Pleasant Pond (Turner) Walleye: 5,7-pounds, Nathan Lawler, Portland, Me, 8/1/2009, Messalonskee Lake. Largemouth Bass 11Lb 10oz Moose Pond. It weighed 10 lbs. 2019 BASS/FLW/Bass Pro Tour Schedules. Whitefish: 7 lbs.

Fourteen of these waters are in the General Management category, 29 are in the Quality Management category, and 10 are in the Trophy Management category. Share this: Tweet; Search for: Search. so how is releasing a "mutt" fish any better than an invasive specie Archives. In the summer, they generally go deep, preferring water less that 60ºF.Splake feed primarily on smelts, white perch, yellow perch, and minnows. Maine .

During the spring and fall, they can be caught with light tackle near the surface, even on flies. In 1958, splake were stocked in Long Pond in T10 SD, Washington County. And the sound of Loons did too. 3 oz. Got this shot right out in front of the cabin. The Maine State Record splake was caught in Basin Pond by Dan Paquette. Since the introduction of smelts the population of brook trout has been declining.This hybrid trout is easy to catch and provides excellent winter fishing opportunity. Smallmouth Bass 8Lb Thompson Lake.