The moment the sun goes behind a cloud the temperature will drop. Though it is usually mostly very clear and sunny when the mistral is blowing, maximum temperatures can take a tumble for a day or two, sometimes for as long as a week.By a similar process, when pressure is high over the Sahara and low over the western Mediterranean, maximum daytime temperatures in the central and eastern Med can be affected by a warm to hot surface wind blowing off North Africa towards Europe, known as the 'sirocco'. High and low temperatures are something that all of us pay attention to each day; when they are extreme (flirting with or setting records) they generate tremendous interest, largely because of the potential for significant impacts on human health, the environment, and built infrastructure.Changes through time in record high and low temperatures (extremes) are also an important manifestation of climate change (Sect. Our pick of the top 10 regions with seriously high temperatures, includes:The clue is in the name with this famous arid, low lying, desert landscape in eastern California, where maximum daytime temperatures peak in August at 46°C. more about changes in their own backyards. of Meehl Data for four types of daily temperature records can be explored:These extremes can be thought of as reflecting the hottest/coolest days and the warmest/coldest nights. If you hold your mercury in direct sunlight, you are simply measuring how much of the infrared radiation emitted by the sun is being absorbed by the thermometer. Climate Monitoring; State of the Climate; Temp, Precip, and Drought; Climate at a Glance; Extremes; Societal Impacts; Snow and Ice; Teleconnections ; Monitoring References; National temperature and precipitation maps are available from February 2001 to June 2020. It can blow at any time of year but is most common, and coldest, at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. As the air temperature reaches these levels, the energy from the sun is then almost entirely devoted to evaporating moisture from vegetation and the soil, so the temperature stops rising. How hot depends on you, so when it comes to planning and researching your destination, you'll no doubt be looking closely for the maximum daytime temperature as an indication of what the weather is like in any given month.This figure is calculated using daily temperature readings for over 30 years to find the average maximum daytime temperature for every month of the year.As with any average, daytime temperatures can vary day-to-day, even slightly year-to-year, but the maximum daytime temperature figure shown across not only our guides but any weather forecast you are likely to see, gives you a good indication of what the temperature will be at that time at your destination.One of the most important things about measuring the temperature is to ensure that the reading is taken in the shade, as it is the air temperature that is needed. Below the tables there's a map that allows you to visually compare the annual average temperatures among states. The strip charts below each line chart show anomalies from the historical averages for the chart above it.

Like politics, you might say that all climate is local. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. An air mass can be thought of as a large area of low or high pressure - and it is the high pressure air masses that have the greatest effect with respect to maximum daytime temperature. July US Release: Thu, 6 Aug 2020, 11:00 AM EDT. July is the hottest month for Phoenix when the maximum daytime temperature reaches 41°C. Homogeneity of the daily temperature record is an especially difficult challenge due to stations experiencing varying degrees of change over time in location, instrumentation, observing practices, and siting conditions.The DayRec interface uses daily maximum temperature (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Tmin) observations from the National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) In deciding what stations were suitable for DayRec, the first step was identifying all Tmax and Tmin observations in the 1218 USHCN station records having any of the quality flag assigments described on the For the initial version of the DayRec interface, released in 2012, Many USHCN stations do not have century-scale daily records.