Exercising Our “Ultimate Freedom” During Challenging Times Neither do I.No entity should tell a mother how to raise her own child. It’s rather surprising considering that natural childbirth advocates rail again the medicalizing and pathologizing of birth.The truth is that bonding is not contingent and WILL happen spontaneously (as any father or adoptive parent could tell you). The evidence simply reflects they thought they were being very clever.God can do all things, except have a reasonable conversation with Man. When you choose to breastfeed, you continue the “oneness” that you and your baby experienced during pregnancy. Support the Mother and Child Manifesto - become a CEPPs Partner or Supporter. Birth, in particular, was singled out as one of the ‘critical moments’ for bonding to take place. It does not depend on specific rituals; it arises from mutual love and need.Virtually all children will bond to their mothers in the absence of abuse or neglect. The concept of maternal ‘bonding’, i.e. The argument was that a child’s first hours, weeks, and months of life had a lasting impact on the entire course of the child’s development. It does not depend on specific rituals; it arises from mutual love and need. Responding to your baby's or child's need for your attention was represented as the thin end of the wedge, leading to helicopter parenting and offspring with no independence because their psyche had been undermined. At its essence, attachment theory focuses on the emotional bond between caregiver and baby, not just the physical interaction that occurs through feeding, changing diapers, etc. I don't make deals, they have yet to figure that out.In my opinion, Man no longer possesses the intellectual capacity to make decisions in their own best interest. Into the Shadows: The Psychology of the Undercover World This study aimed to confirm whether a positive association between breastfeeding and bonding exists and whether breastfeeding may be protective against the negative consequences of mood and sleep disturbances … But they are not in any way required for bonding. How Do People Decide to Accept a Facebook Friend Request? According to Linda Palmer's article "The Chemistry of Attachment," when the baby travels through the birth canal, oxytocin -- often called the bonding or love hormone -- is heightened for both the mother and baby. When a parent comforts their baby, they are letting her know that they care about her feelings and promoting her sense of wellbeing. The breastfeeding bonding between mother and baby is important. Since it is "science" and infallible there would be no real need for due process.What happens when the lunatics take over the asylum? Bonding is a process of connecting that goes far deeper than words or touch, and is crucial to child development. To make it fair I still haven't read any of the "books".I found attachment parenting theories a helpful foil against the messages from standard baby and child raising books. The theory has gained strength through worldwide scientific studies and the use of brain imaging technology.