We have decades of combined musky fishing experience between us. The muskie can also do headshaking in an attempt to rid itself of a hook. Kyle Anderson of Rapid City, MI caught this 50-pound 8-ounce Great Lakes muskie while fishing in Torch Lake, near Traverse City. A good target zone for muskies is 18-60 feet of water.The St. Lawrence River may not provide the most action for muskie fishermen, but it does provide the best chance for mammoth-sized musky. Musky fishing on Lake St. Clair from Anglers Point Marina in Chesterfield, Michigan with Captain Kris, Lakeside Fishing Charters. Therefore, trolling is certainly an efficient method here. Those periods are also the best for predictable fishing: fish generally deeper most of the day, though checking shallower water at midday can pay off, and avoid shallows on cold mornings.There is also decent musky action ins spring and summer, especially around fresh weed beds. They are by far the two best muskie lakes in Minnesota.According to some local guides, Mille Lacs Lake offers the best chance to land a 50-pound muskie in Minnesota. But, just like New York, it’s actually a river, not a lake. The French common name is masquinongé or maskinongé.The muskellunge is known by a wide variety of trivial names including Ohiomuskellunge, Great Lakes muskellunge, barred muskellunge, Ohio River pike, Allegheny River pike, jack pike, unspotted muskellunge and the Wisconsin muskellunge. That being said, casting still remains the primary musky fishing method on Lake Vermilion.The best times being August and September. "Our Huskie Muskie Charter was captained by Matt without a mate but that didn't keep us from a killer day! Lower Green Bay will contain more muskies as the shad migrate in there, but deeper open water and some of the sharp breaks found in the main bay will also hold big muskies.Some have pointed out that even the largest of muskies here tend to have an eye for smaller crankbaits, in the 6-8 inch range. Let’s take a look at where you will find the best musky fishing in Kentucky.Perhaps the place for the best musky fishing in Kentucky is While fall is the most popular time to catch large muskies in Cave Run Lake, anglers have a good shot at catching them year round here. There are plenty of reefs, outcrops, and islands to find muskies.What makes Lake of the Woods one of the best muskie lakes in Canada is that it covers roughly 1-million acres and has an impressive maze of over 14,000 pine and spruce lined islands. Anglers in many areas are strongly encouraged to practice catch and release when fishing for muskellunge due to their low population. Nonetheless, the muskies here remain exceptional in size, and there are still plenty of them to be caught.Due to the size of Mille Lacs Lake, selecting the right place to fish is a major challenge. While on dark and windy days, topwaters and spinners lead to bites on the east side of the lake.As in most of the best muskie lakes, October is generally good month overall. I’m Muskie Jason. We’ve put together this list of the top muskie lakes in North America.