13 oz. However, these fish may be gilled or gutted. The wild study was completed in 2015. 4 oz. It can be difficult to target brown trout, but one option is fishing downstream from actively spawning salmon with egg sacs and egg imitating flies and plastics. These fish can be very aggressive. Thanks to the purchase of an automated fish marking trailer (Autofish) in 2008, we are starting to understand to what extent natural reproduction adds to the fishery. Some of the returning salmon and steelhead to the Salmon River make their way to the There are two catch and release fly fishing only areas. Frogs may be imported, bought and sold at any time. This information is believed to be accurate, but please review the list of official regulations with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. There are many other additional restrictions for Upper and Lower Fly Fishing Only sections of the Salmon River. Fishing prohibited to protect migrating landlocked salmon. Fish that entered the river in the fall will hold over in the deeper pools of the river throughout the winter. The season will be closed from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30, and is now consistent with Province of Ontario regulations;*Reducing the daily creel limit for rainbow trout/steelhead on the open waters of Lake Ontario (excluding the Lower Niagara River) to two fish (former it was three) per day to provide consistency with Province of Ontario regulations and help increase survival of steelhead, especially during periods of reduced fishing success for other species;*Decreasing the brown trout daily creel limit on Lake Ontario tributaries (excluding the Lower Niagara River) to one fish/day (down from three) to maintain high quality brown trout fishing opportunities from fall through the spring;*Increasing the minimum size limit for rainbow trout/steelhead to 25 inches (it was 21 inches) to prolong high quality rainbow trout/steelhead fishing opportunities through the winter months on Lake Ontario tributaries (excluding the Lower Niagara River).

All rights reserved ( The concrete path has railings and several landings as it zigzags down the river bank. I also talk about the rules and regulations as per the NYSDEC that you will have to follow while fishing in Pulaski NY on the Salmon River. Percentages of wild Chinook salmon in Lake Ontario varied by year class and age, and among regions from 2009-2015. Overall, wild Chinook were an important component of the Lake Ontario fishery averaging 47% of the age 2 & 3 Chinooks harvested in the lake. Fishing the deeper pools with egg sacs, egg imitating flies or nymphs works well this time of year. The following regulations are for Eastern Lake Ontario, the Salmon River and other regional Lake Ontario tributaries. It is illegal on New York State waters to possess walleye, black bass, brook trout, lake trout or Atlantic salmon that have been cut, dismembered, filleted, skinned or otherwise altered so that the species and total … Trout waters where ice fishing is permitted are identified here. The Salmon River offers some of the finest sportfishing in the country. Two major fish records have been set in the Salmon River: the Great Lakes record Chinook salmon (47 lbs. Others were just outright rude... but they're everywhere I guess. Fish caught during the closed season must be unhooked and released immediately. The Autofish is capable of adipose clipping and/or applying coded wire tags (CWTs) to salmon and trout at high speed and accuracy. This regulation allows more effective enforcement of harvest regulations on protected game fish.TransportationTransportation of fish is permitted as follows:Taking and possession of frogsAny person who has a hunting license, or a fishing license, or is entitled to fish without a license, may take frogs with a spear, club, hook or by hand. for instance if i would use 15lb line on my spinning rod and used a barrel swivel and fished 8lb … Other species of fish may be filleted provided that the skin is not removed from the fillets. Salmon usually begin entering the Salmon River around Labor Day.Once salmon enter the river they are no longer actively feeding.

Brown trout range from 2 to 20 lbs.For current fishing information a fishing hotline is available at The Salmon River is stocked yearly with around 300,000 Chinook salmon, 80,000 Coho salmon, 120,000 Washington strain steelhead, 40,000 Skamania strain steelhead and 30,000 Atlantic salmon.Natural reproduction does take place in the Salmon River. Fish engaged in the first two activities can be caught on egg sacs, egg imitating flies or plastics and streamers. Conventional fly fishing equipment is required. Jamie Doolan, of Orange County, caught this brown trout this past fall in the town pool in the Salmon River. Beginning in 1968 the state began stocking coho salmon in the Salmon River and other Lake Ontario tributaries, and chinook were first stocked regularly in 1969.