We give you the tools you need to increase productivity substantially and connect everyone, everything, everywhere. When you invest in an IWMS, you can achieve efficiency across the board and remove the roadblocks that are created from using multiple tools.An IWMS allows you to make the complex clear. What is space management? iOFFICE software offers unique benefits to every organization, depending on location, industry, size, assets, and workplace challenges.iOFFICE can solve specific workplace challenges or completely transform the way your facility operates.

With SpaceIQ we were able defer leasing additional space for five years.”

Thanks to new integrations with other systems, from HR to integrated workplace management systems (IWMS), employees are able to effectively collaborate with colleagues and acquire critical data at all times. Historically, IWMS software has consisted of five core pillars: The ability to visualize and manage space is essential for creating engaging, productive and cost-effective workplaces. How many of its pricey features are you really using? Automated processes help streamline operations, while accessible information saves the hassle of digging for data. IWMS solutions can easily integrate with other workplace applications, allowing business leaders to simplify their technology stack and streamline workflows. So by the time you are in a position to assess the return on your investment, it’s already too late.Our affordable, SaaS licensing, and quick implementations minimize any upfront risk and lets you comfortably evaluate firsthand our solution’s real value to your organization.OfficeSpace has been a very efficient and effective replacement to the previous space management tool we purchased and I would highly recommend it to any organization. I love the fact that all the information is accessible in one place.

Successful real estate management requires a comprehensive overview of every building, along with its square footage, occupancy, and costs.

In the latest Verdantix researchIt should also have the ability to integrate seamlessly with IoT sensors and other emerging workplace technologies—including applications that may not even exist yet. OfficeSpace Software vs IWMS software. Dr. Weygandt received her Ph.D. from Cornell University and holds degrees from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago. SpaceIQ provides a world-class real estate portfolio dashboard and sophisticated planning tools that not only puts this information at your fingertips but also gives you the power to make actionable decisions.

“Everyone that gets to use SpaceIQ loves it. © 2020 SpaceIQ.
Having all this information easily accessible and searchable within a digital platform improves transparency among many stakeholders and increases efficiency.

And all of this before you can determine if the product is really worth the investment.We’ve built a tremendous amount of out of the box flexibility to allow rapid client deployments. When an employee has been notified she will no longer have her own desk, for example, reactions may vary. The ability to estimate projected savings is crucial as leaders look to justify their investment.