- YouTube The key to pre spawn smallmouth bass fishing in rivers is to think critically about where they spent the winter, and In many rivers, bass winter in the channel – but in areas out of the current. “They’re really looking for something hard that’s out of the current. The pre-spawn period is a time of change. (Photo: wired2fish.com) It may only be 4 or 5 feet deep, but they’ll hold in the depression until they go to the bed.Water clarity determines the type of spinnerbait Hartley prefers. To begin with, the phrase "pre-spawn bass fishing" means different things to different fishermen. If he hits a stump or rock, he’ll then pitch to it with a tube or a jig.“The key with catching prespawners in creeks is to find some sort of cover along that inside edge,” Hartley said.

So, when a group of anglers starts the conversation about catching big fish, it doesn’t take long until the phrase “pre-spawn” rears its ugly head.

(Photo: wired2fish.com) Outside of the grass, you have to always keep track of the tide. Be the first to rate this post. Pre spawn river fishing! News Fishing Tips The period can be loosely thought of as the patterns that begin with the emerging signs of spring. Summer Fishing site: sports | ptype: stories | pageType: stories | 6-keys: sports/wired2fish//// Bass are migrating between areas and fickle spring weather causes them to move up and down in the water column and to continually change their attitude. By Giveaways His intimate knowledge of the river certainly helped, but it wasn’t the only advantage Ike had over the field in that event. News

Fishing Tips If you’re like me, you can probably recall plenty of articles about following creek channels leading to spawning flats, intersecting prespawn bass on secondary points, or searching for the first emerging grass on a flat with a lipless crankbait. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you!