In the place of the previous 9 faculties, the University of Siena now has 15 Departments. Almost all of the rooms are twin rooms with 2 beds.
Academic Departments.
QS also considers the ratio of international teachers and students present at universities, as well as the times research papers were mentioned by researchers.
The University of Siena awards first cycle, second cycle and single long cycle degrees in the following fields: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities in Arezzo, Medicine and Surgery, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and Political Science, as well as several interfaculty degrees, generally carried out in one of the fifteen Departments.Postgraduate education is carried out in postgraduate schools, master’s programmes, training, advanced training and refresher courses and summer schools, while postgraduate research is performed in the doctoral schools.Students in Siena can be part of a real community of people motivated by a thirst for knowledge and learning, with attentive and approachable academic staff and many innovative services at their disposal.The University of Siena runs 38 first cycle degree programmes, 1 single cycle degree programme, 4 single cycle degree programmes in the field of medicine and pharmacy regulated by European Union directives and 29 second cycle degree programmes.
The Siena Guarantee. We spend the day doing...The education system here is supportive and advanced, but the major problem here is managing expenses. Parents & Families.
The University of Siena awards first cycle, second cycle and single long cycle degrees in the following fields: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities in Arezzo, Medicine and Surgery, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and Political Science, as well as several interfaculty degrees, generally carried out in one of the fifteen Departments.
Within each sector, research activities are launched and coordinated and proposals are defined for the establishment and organization of doctoral research programmes.The consultancy and research activities carried out at the University for third parties are also usually performed within the departments.The Placement Office - Career Service establishes and manages relations with businesses locally, nationally and internationally to help introduce students and new graduates to the world of work. At the same time, it is thanks to the intervention of the University that many buildings which risked falling into ruin were saved, making institutions of study out of a part of the city patrimony that might have otherwise been lost. Founded in 1240, the university underwent massive expansion in the 20th century, growing from a cohort of 400 students between the World Wars, to its current one of around 20,000-strong. The University of Siena awards first cycle, second cycle and single long cycle degrees in the following fields: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities in Arezzo, Medicine and Surgery, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and Political Science, as well as several interfaculty degrees, generally carried out in one of the fifteen Departments.