Ms. Ellen, whose real name is allegedly Maqesh Alaq Makaraqesh, was a substitute teacher for the 3rd Grade class at South Park Elementary in the Season One episode, "Tom's Rhinoplasty". She has diabetes. He is married to Mrs. Testaburger and first appeared in the Season Eight episode, "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset". Wendy has shown herself to be a fairly decent fighter, beating up Wendy is portrayed as very political. Mr. Testaburger is Wendy Testaburger's father. In "Though they seem to be very close friends, they have had a fair share of issues.
We first meet him and his wife after Paris Hilton comes to town in " Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset ".
Mrs. Testaburger is Wendy's Mother. She is a student at South Park Elementary. There were actually 8. He has ginger hair and a ginger beard. The most notable exception however was during "Wendy used the girls as hypothetical examples in railing against using Photoshop to "improve" women's looks in "Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
She is married to Mr. Testaburger.
They've since become a staple among the South Park parents.
It first appeared in the Season One episode, "Tom's Rhinoplasty".
She is the new girl at school, who recently moved from Scottsdale, Arizona to South Park. 4-Time Featured Article Winner April 2008, March 2012, March 2013, August 2018. For example, when she helped him break his "hoarding" habit in "Her hatred for him returned eight seasons later, in the episode "Despite their lack of interaction nowadays, in the Wendy and Butters are typically just neutral, but when they have rare interactions it is never good. She has been voiced by four people during the series' run: Mary Kay Bergman, Eliza J. Schneider, Mona Marshall, and currently April Stewart.
In many episodes, she generally provides a voice of reason, usually against Wendy is a very empathic person and often concerned about those around her - she is the first of the girls at Wendy will generally be kind to characters besides Wendy is very active in the school's extracurricular activities: aside from being class president, she is seen in "Stan and Wendy sitting on a tree branch looking at the sunset; this was shown during a montage looking back at Wendy's relationship with Stan in "Even after she had broken up with Stan, he still showed feelings for her, and tried to win her back by playing Despite a rather stable relationship in later seasons, Stan has managed to irritate Wendy on occasion. Sophie Gray is a female fourth grader at South Park Elementary, who was introduced in the Season 23 episode, "Basic Cable". Mr. Testaburger is Wendy's dad. D&D Beyond Wendy Testaburger is a female character on South Park. Mr. Testaburger appears to love his daughter very much and initially was disgusted with the Stupid Spoiled Whore fad - like Wendy - in "Mr. and Mrs. Testaburger scolding Wendy for wanting to fight Eric Cartman in "Mr. Testaburger asking Wendy why Butters just peed on his door in "Mr. Testaburger listening to Randy Marsh at a PTA Meeting She has started and joined many campaigns, groups, and debates over the course of the show. Family
The Testaburger Residence is the Testaburger family's home.
Mr. Testaburger's Wife. She has also participated in stopping conspiracies and assassinations.
She is the most prominent female character of the series. In "Wendy acts as the leader of the female "population". Despite their disagreements, Wendy has continued to be a girlfriendĀ to Stan, again showing her empathy towards those around her. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.