84.7% In the former case, an asymmetric set of pedals can simulate accelerator, brake, and clutch pedals in a real automobile. In the latter case, a symmetric set of pedals simulates rudder controls and toe brakes in an aircraft. Yokes, like throttle quadrants and pedals, are popular with serious flight-simulation enthusiasts.Pedals may be used for driving simulations or flight simulations. Their use is normally limited to Since the controller is the most common way of interacting with a game, it has to be Currently, there are controller gloves available for the Wii Remote, Xbox 360 controllers, and Dualshock 3 controllers in stores to comfort players' hands.This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. Dictionary. EcoCookies help us deliver our services.
Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. Gamepads can have a number of Most modern game controllers are a variation of a standard gamepad. Throttle quadrants are most popular in conjunction with joysticks or yokes used in flight simulation.A yoke is very similar to a steering wheel except that it resembles the control yoke found on many aircraft and has two axes of movement: not only rotational movement about the shaft of the yoke, but also a forward-and-backward axis equivalent to that of pitch control on the yoke of an aircraft. FAQ. Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.
The first attempt at a Modern touch screens use a thin, durable, transparent plastic sheet overlayed onto the glass screen. A paddle is a game controller with a round wheel and one or more fire buttons, where the wheel is typically used to control movement of the player object along one axis of the video screen.A paddle controller rotates through a fixed arc (usually about 330 degrees); it has a stop at each end. This is the British English definition of game controller.View American English definition of game controller. antonym.com Word of the Day: logjam. If you prefer the sleek aesthetic and functionality that comes with a PlayStation 4 dualshock controller, or if the comfort and streamlined design of the Xbox One is more your style. Generally the layout has the joystick on the left, and the buttons on the right, although there are instances when this is reversed.A trackball is basically an upside-down mouse that is manipulated with the palm of one's hand. Blog. Paddle controllers were the first analog controllers and they lost popularity when "paddle and ball" type games fell out of favor. an offensive content(racist, pornographic, injurious, etc.) Change your default dictionary to American English. Trending words. They are held in both hands with thumbs and fingers used to provide input. It features a shaft that has a ball or drop-shaped handle, and one or more buttons for in game actions. This is faster than one can move a mouse due to space not being an issue.A throttle quadrant, as the name indicates, is a set of one or more levers that are most often used to simulate throttles or other similar controls in a real vehicle, particularly an aircraft. All rights reserved. They usually roughly resemble firearms or ray guns. It has the advantage of not requiring a lot of desktop space, and that it is as fast as one can roll the ball on it. Trending words.
Common additions include shoulder buttons placed along the edges of the pad, centrally placed buttons labeled A paddle is a controller that features a round wheel and one or more fire buttons. Related terms for 'game controller': adventure game, amusement arcade, arcade, arcade game, computer game, console, game, gamepad, gameplay, gamer. Dictionary. Blog.
take on. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word controller will help you to finish your crossword today. 6.8%. About. For example, suggest “bike” as a synonym for bicycle, or “sock” for socks. game controller. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Top synonyms for game controller (other words for game controller) are joystick, game control and clearance control. bring up. 2.9%. -55.2% Quizzes. The wheel is typically used to control movement of the player or of an object along one axis of the video screen.
Synonyms for controls at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. -6.7% Game Controller synonyms. With this in mind, we have a huge range of different controllers to plug into your pc. 11.2%. As mentioned, most steering wheel controllers come with a set of pedals.While originally designed for general computer input, there are several keyboard and mouse peripherals available which are designed specifically for gaming, often with gaming-specific functions built-in. Definition and synonyms of game controller from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
View the pronunciation for game controller. FAQ. Search br.