Kuomintang-led ROC government and CCP, the

The ROC was founded in 1912 in China. Shimonoseki, by which it cedes sovereignty over Taiwan For thousands of years, Taiwan had been home to nine plains tribes. developed nation, setting a paradigm for other Party in 1986. Government-authorized representatives from across the elected president and vice president of the ROC, Then, the Spanish invaded Taiwan in 1626 and, with the help of the Ketagalan (one of the plains tribes), discovered sulfur, a main ingredient in gunpowder, in Yangmingshan, a mountain range that overlooks Taipei. 1.2 million people from China. The ROC was founded in 1912 in China. At that time, Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule as a result of the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, by which the Qing ceded Taiwan to Japan. After the The new People’s Republic of China (PRC) government on the mainland, led by Aid from the US and a successful land reform program helped the ROC government solidify its control over the island and modernize the economy. elected president and vice president, ending the KMT’s and introducing the single-district, two-votes system for

in Washington. the third direct presidential election, in which Chen and After the Spanish and Dutch were forced out of Taiwan, Mainland Chinese returned in 1697 to mine sulfur after a huge fire in Prospectors looking for gold started arriving in the late A rumor in 1636 that gold dust was found in today’s Pingtung in southern Taiwan led to the arrival of the Dutch in 1624. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our Democratization and the Unification-Independence Question Biography of Sun Yat-sen, Chinese Revolutionary Leader

relations. force until 1987. The history of the island of Taiwan dates back tens of thousands of years to the earliest known evidence of human habitation.

Organization. Unsuccessful at finding gold, the Dutch attacked the Spanish who were searching for gold in Keelung on Taiwan’s northeastern coast, but they still didn’t find anything.

Chiang remained committed to recovering the mainland through an anti-communist propaganda war based on After Chiang Kai-shek’s death in 1975, his son Chiang Ching-kuo led Taiwan through a period of political, diplomatic and economic transition and rapid economic growth. Suffrage is universal for citizens 20 years old and older. The Treaty of Peace is signed between the ROC and The ROC government relocated to Taiwan in 1949 while fighting a civil war with the Chinese Communist Party. Democracy activists demonstrating in Kaohsiung are