The impact of tourism on society is also related to the different kinds of tourists and a variety of host societies. Hu & Ritchi (1993) stated that the more tourists think that the destination will satisfy their vacation desires, the more likely the visitors will choose the destination.Figure 1: Faye and Crompton’s Tourist’s Image Formation Process (Tuohino, 2002).It was described by the previous study on destination image that a destination’s image could contribute to the destination-making process. <> Furthermore, the research between Tourism Authority in Thailand (TAT) and Siam University showed the result that there was a positive image of its being seen as a natural and historical travel destination (Henkel et al., 2006). However, the review has also identified both positive and negative imaging, which affects the tourists’ destination choice.

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However, Poria et al.

<> Therefore, in this research we will examine Thailand’s image, which will affect the travellers’ destination choice.

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Thailand was ranked eleventh in International tourism receipts (US$ 15.6 billion), and eighteenth in international arrivals with 14.5 million visitors in 2007 (Tourismroi, 2008), (See Appendix 1).

Due to the study of Yau and Chan on the image of Southeast Asia, Thailand has been perceived as a reasonably priced place with beautiful beaches and various attractions (Rittichainuwat, 2001). The authorities that are directly in charge with the tourism industry such as the Thai government and Tourism authority of Thailand need to make an effort to create positive images through promotional strategies. This thesis enhances the understanding of the effects of news media reports concerning terrorism and political instability on leisure tourists’ perceived risk and willingness to travel.

Moreover, Suwanmoli explained that there are a high number of as many as 2.8 million prostitutes working in Thailand (Rittichainuwat, 2001). According to Thailand Tourism Report (pr-inside, 2009), the number of international visitors has fallen down 3% from 14.58 million in 2008 to 14.4 million in 2009 and the total revenue also decreased by 2.8% in the year of 2009. Moreover, the individual’s cultural belonging and heritage does not only affect the way people experience and interpret the products and services supplied to them, but it also influences their decision making in regard to choices of vacations and destinations. ���� JFIF XX �� ZExif MM * J Q Q \FQ \F �� ���� C 12 0 obj 14 0 obj Something further suggested by Martin et al. 16 0 obj (L=V�F�b����г�d�?�c]�cm�%_��~��¡�y�������|�Q#����T���%���~�m�(˺�ENw�/�uDx�k._rw��P��qߪ���N+�{}h�bզo��뢉l<=����9z7�z�/�Q�O(�������� Ϯ�ֵ3�h��T̺��"��p��Ǭ y3�w��wG�T� ���>��W��!p ���*�e�rK�/X7�d��~�,H�j���1cP p������~d�3ؐ�76�ɱu�O���?jV5�D>
It also can help to develop strategies, which will help the Tourism industry in a long business growth.This study is divided into six main parts, which will be explained as follows.This chapter provides an introduction to the current study. From a demand aspect, heritage tourism is about finding something, which is linked between the present and the past and the traveller’s emotional experiences (Richards 1997 and Prentice 1993). Therefore, the more positive the image is of a destination, the more likely that traveller will go there (Rittichainuwat, 2001).