Features Bath, UKThe Avro Lancaster, Manchester and Lincoln: A Comprehensive Guide for the ModellerThe Secret Years: Flight Testing at Boscombe Down 1939-1945Mynarski's Lanc: The Story of Two Famous Canadian Lancaster Bombers KB726 & FM213Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the present Another was the sinking on November 12, 1944, of the German battleship Some Lancasters were equipped with H2S ground-mapping Nevertheless, the Lancaster was far and away the most effective British heavy bomber of World War II, being far superior to its main competitor, the Infatti, nel luglio Entrambe le specifiche comportavano alcune limitazioni pratiche: per poter rientrare negli hangar disponibili ed essere trasportato via terra con i mezzi in dotazione, doveva avere un'apertura alare massima di 30,50 m, la sezione centrale di fusoliera non più lunga di 10,70 m e non più larga di 2,44 m e corda alare in corrispondenza delle gondole dei motori di non più di 6,70 m. Per il P.13/36 era previsto il ricorso a due motori Rolls-Royce Vulture, e il carico bellico avrebbe dovuto essere rilevante: 16 bombe da 225 kg o 4 bombe dirompenti-perforanti da 900 kg ma, elemento determinante per le fortune degli aerei prescelti, si chiedeva anche una stiva unica, per consentire il trasporto di due siluri lunghi 5,56 m. Una proposta fu presentata dalla I primi Manchester Mk I avevano impennaggi con tre derive, mentre i successivi Mk IA ne avevano solo due, il disegno delle quali fu mantenuto per il Lancaster. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The Lancaster first flew in January 1941 and entered production in early 1942; it entered combat in April of that year. Arguably the most famous heavy bomber of World War II, the Avro-built Lancaster bomber undertook some of the most dangerous and complex missions yet encountered by the RAF.
It could reach a maximum speed of 280 miles (450 km) per hour and a ceiling of 24,500 feet (7,500 metres), and it could carry a 14,000-pound (6,350-kg) Almost all of the 7,377 Lancasters produced during the war were committed to the nighttime The Lancaster’s more-spectacular exploits included successful attacks on the Möhne, Sorpe, and Eder hydroelectric dams in Germany on the night of May 17, 1943, using special spinning bombs that were designed to skip across the water when released at low altitude, hug the face of the dam as they sank, and then be detonated at the proper depth by a hydrostatic fuse.
L'Avro Type 683 Lancaster nacque per rimediare a un progetto fallimentare, quello del bimotore che l'aveva preceduto.