This gave the American soldiers time to reorganize and launch a counterattack which allowed them to retake the town from German control.When the soldiers went to recover the body of Lieutenant Fox and the eight Italian soldiers who’d been killed as well, they also found the bodies of about 100 German soldiers around the wreckage.For his “gallant and courageous actions, at the supreme sacrifice of his own life,” Fox was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. John Robert Fox (May 18, 1915–December 26, 1944) was killed in action when he deliberately called for artillery fire on his own position, after his position was overrun, in order to defeat a German attack in the vicinity of Sommocolonia, northern Italy during World War II. After a review, seven African-American soldiers had their Medals upgraded in January, 1997 to the Medal of Honor; First Lieutenant Fox was one of the seven. In 2005, the toy company Hasbro introduced a 12-inch action figure "commemorating Lt. John R. Fox as part of its For his "gallant and courageous actions, at the supreme sacrifice of his own life,"John Fox posthumously received the Medal of Honor in 1997 for actions during World War II John Robert Fox was an American soldier who was killed in action when he deliberately called artillery fire on his own position after his position was overrun. Seven African-American soldiers had their Medals upgraded in January 1997 to the Medal of Honor; First Lieutenant Fox was one of them.The 92nd Infantry Division (colored), also known as the Buffalo Soldiers, was a segregated African-American division that fought on the Italian Front during World War II.
His widow, the former Arlene Marrow of Brockton, Massachusetts, received his medal from President Bill Clinton in a White House ceremony on January 13, 1997.On that day, Clinton also awarded the medal to six other previously neglected African-American World War II veterans, including Vernon Baker, who was the only one living when awarded. And within minutes, hundreds of shells had hit the target. John R. Fox, a member of the Goleta Sanitary District Board of Directors since 1976, died on May 30 after a brief illness, the district announced today, calling Fox … Each one powerful enough to blast the house and its occupants into oblivion.In the end, the artillery strikes forced the Germans to delay their advance through the town. “Bring it in 60 yards more.”The receiving operator thought Fox was mistaken – the order would train the full fire of up to 75 heavy caliber artillery guns directly on Fox’s position.Fox confirmed the order: “There’s more of them than there is of us.”Seconds later the bombardment began. The soldier receiving the message was stunned since that would bring the deadly artillery fire right on top of Lieutenant Fox’s position; he would surely be killed.‘That last round was just where I wanted it, the young lieutenant reported.
Fox was born in Cincinnati, Ohio May 18, 1915, and attended Wilberforce University, participating in In the early 1990s it was determined that African-American soldiers were denied consideration for the Medal of Honor solely due to their race. EAST LONGMEADOW John R. Fox was born in Pittsford, VT on March 29, 1919 and passed away peacefully on Friday, January 14, 2011.