Tyler, Jeremy, and two girls hang out at the Lockwood mansion. As a result, Tyler is eventually forced to leave town, knowing that Klaus will seek revenge upon him. Elena has always been the star student; beautiful, popular and involved with school and friends, but now she finds herself struggling to hide her sadness from the world. However, he tastes the same thing at the Grill and Matt tells him that it's vervain. Later, Klaus compels Tyler to bite Caroline, and he refuses. Tyler panics as he triggers the curse. Upon waking up after being knocked out by Damon, Caroline says that Tyler is acting like the old, "d-bag" Tyler. She tells him that she's a werewolf, that Mason is dead, and that Caroline had something to do with it. He admits that he doesn't know what's wrong with him. Tyler, Jeremy, and two girls hang out at the Lockwood mansion. Answer Save. He does however return for prom but leaves. He goes to confront Caroline with the truth and is both pissed and disappointed to learn that she lied to him, though Caroline tries to say it was to protect Tyler. Tyler apologizes to Caroline at school on her birthday, acknowledging that he can't put her above Klaus due to the sire bond even though he wants to. After displaying not-so-human abilities while playing basketball, Tyler tries to get Caroline to tell him anything she knows, but she denies anything weird is going on, even after she overpowers him.
After getting a call from Jules about having Caroline, the two of them head to the woods. Tyler shows up at the decade dance, ready to fight for Caroline even though she insists he doesn't need to. They have a very brief conversation before they're both knocked out by witches. Instead of just telling her, Tyler shows her. When Tyler tells Caroline that he is okay being sired to Klaus, she breaks up with him. Stefan and Elena are immediately drawn to one another, and Elena has no way of knowing that Stefan is a centuries-old vampire, struggling to live peacefully among humans, while his brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is the embodiment of vampire violence and brutality. Taking this to mean he doesn't have to listen to Klaus, he goes to see her. Tyler has Liz call Bill to help him try to get over his sire bond, knowing Bill was able to resist compulsion. When Vicki's body is found, Tyler feels guilty about the way he treated her when she was alive. Tyler then asks Caroline why she's helping him considering that they've never been close, and she says that she doesn't want him to go through it alone. Not wanting Caroline to get hurt, Tyler injects her with vervain. Klaus forces Bonnie to return him to his original body, or else Tyler's heart is ripped out. When Tyler tries to comfort Caroline when she tells him that Matt broke up with her.