E. Rutherford. The removed electrons constitute the cathode rays and the positive residues form the positive or canal rays.The mass of a proton is very slightly less than that of a H-atom. from anode to the cathode. Their properties and interactions are described by nuclear physics.

Discovery of electron.

He detected that a stream of particle (ray) was coming out from the negatively charged electrode (cathode) to positively charged electrode (anode). OR

The existence of electrons in an atom was discovered by J.J Thomson in 1897. Atoms are electrically neutral.

He discovered that all the positive charged particles join together to form a In the year 1917, he discovered that these positively charged particles are similar to those as H+ ions and named them In 1904,  J. J. Thomson worked out the first model of an atom – According to this model, an atom is a positively charged sphere in which electrons are embedded just like dry fruits are distributed in a pudding. He suggested that a neutrally charged particle, consisting of a proton and an electron bound to each other, also resided in the nuclei of atoms. In 1920, Ernest Rutherford postulated that there were neutral, massive particles in the nucleus of atoms. Discovery of Neutron; After the discovery of electron and proton Rutherford (1920) had predicted the existence of a neutral fundamental particle. “A sub-atomic particle which is a fundamental constituent of all matter having a mass 1/1837 of a H-atom and which carries the smallest unit of negative charge is called an electron”.These are  made up of positively charged  particles known as Atomic Models Table of Content Thomson’s... Protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of an atom are together referred to as nucleons. Positive rays are atomic or molecular resides from which some electrons have been removed. Discovery of the electron ** In the 1890s many scientists became caught up in the study of radiation, the emission and transmission of energy through space in the form of waves. This ray is called cathode ray and the whole construction is called cathode ray tube. […] Who discovered – electrons, protons, and neutrons?

William observed that when he applies a high electric potential across the discharge tube, then current flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal in the form of rays. […][…] Who discovered – Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons? Property of neutron. In his experiment, Rutherford surrounded a thin sheet of gold (0.00004 cm thickness) with a screen made of Zinc Sulphide. Hence cathode ray consists of negatively charged particles.J.

If the metal sheet is too thick to be penetrated the rays cast a shadow.They rotate a light wheel placed in their paths. The anode rays obtained from hydrogen gas in the discharge tube consists of positively particles called protons.
This shows that cathode rays contain material particles having both mass and velocity.The mass of a particle present in cathode rays is found to be 1/1837 of H-atom. Dual Nature of Matter and Photoelectric Effect... James Chadwick discovered a much more massive neutral nuclear particle in 1932 and named it a neutron also, leaving two kinds of particles with the same name. Canal rays were discovered by Goldstein and this led to the discovery of the proton.Protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of an atom are together referred to as nucleons.

In this method a spray of oil droplets is produced by an atomizer, some of which pass through an opening into a viewing chamber, where we can observe them with a microscope. Goldstein (1886) found that some rays passed through these holes in a direction opposite to that of the cathode rays.The charge to the mass ratio (e/m ratio ) is not constant for these rays, and has been found different for different gases used in the discharge tube.These are called the positive rays or canal rays.
They are independent of the material composition of the cathode.3. William Crook is the first person to pass an electric current through a vacuumWilliam Crooke, the British Scientist, in the year 1875 successfully created a near to perfect vacuum (0.01 mm of mercury) in a glass tube sealed at both ends with metal plates.