This gives you a breakdown of how we have calculated your energy bill.
In Hungary, the TNM Decree 7/2006 on the energy performance of buildings is harmonised with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and covers requirements, the design of the input data and the calculation method. I much prefer this option, because the post office often has long lines, and people there — though friendly — rarely speak English. In July 2009, the European Parliament and Council adopted the third energy package (legislative package composed of 2 directives and 3 regulations) aimed at ensuring a real and effective choice of suppliers, as well as benefits for customers. For non-household consumers (defined for the purpose of this article as medium-sized consumers with an annual consumption between 10 000 GJ and 100 000 GJ), natural gas prices in the second half of 2019 were highest among the EU Member States in Finland (EUR 0.0555 per kWh), France (EUR 0.0368 per kWh) and Sweden (EUR 0.0357 per kWh), and lowest in Belgium (EUR 0.0228 per kWh) (see Figure 5). The price of natural gas for households in Sweden (EUR 0.1167 per kWh) was more than three and a half times the price charged in Romania (EUR 0.0332 per kWh). The minimum value for the building envelope index is 0.3 and the maximum is 3.98. If the ei is higher than 1.0, it means that the given building has a total primary energy consumption higher than the reference value, and that therefore the building, in general terms, has high annual energy consumption and poor energy efficiency.The EPmax is given using these equations with respect to educational buildings:The calculated total primary energy is the sum of the primary energy for heating, DHW, lighting, air handling units and cooling. Select a region or Budapest (Válasszon megyét vagy Budapestet) from the drop-down menu, then choose the district (Válasszon kerületet). The EU-27 average price — a weighted average using the most recent (2018) data for natural gas consumption by non-household consumers — was EUR 0.0308 per kWh. year on year) in order to avoid seasonal effects. Until January 2017, the reporting authorities provided their price data for the household sector on a voluntary basis. The proportion of taxes and levies that cannot be recovered by non-household consumers in the overall natural gas price is presented in Figure 7. With the introduction of Regulation (EU) No 2016/1952, the definition was changed from industrial to non-household consumers in order to have a unique methodology for all reporting countries. Cyprus, Malta and Finland do not consume natural gas in the household sector. Since then, it decreased every semester and reached EUR 0.029 in the second half of 2017. To pay by phone, download Did you find this helpful? In 2016, Regulation (EU) No 2016/1952 entered into force. However, when including taxes, the decrease is less pronounced, since the weight of the taxes increased from 25 % in 2008 to 31 % in 2019. The development of natural gas prices for non-household consumers in the EU-27 since the first half of 2008 is shown in Figure 6. These permitted values were used in SEARCH II as reference values. Several clarifications and consultations were needed in order to ensure the accuracy of the data and, eventually, of the energy calculations. Indeed, significant barriers to entry remain in many electricity and natural gas markets as seen through the number of markets still dominated by (near) monopoly suppliers. The reference value for total primary energy is … ELMÜ (Budapest)